June 14, 2012, - 3:23 pm
TWA 847: Hezbollah Hijacking, Torture/Murder of Navy Diver Stethem 27 Years Ago
In addition to Flag Day and the anniversary of the founding of the U.S. Army, today is the 27th anniversary of the Hezbollah hijacking of TWA Flight 847. Tomorrow is the 27th anniversary of the torture murder of U.S. Navy Diver Robert Dean Stethem on that hijacked plane. Hezbollah and Harakat Amal–the Shi’ite Amal Militia–took over the plane and tortured and trampled Stethem to death because he had the utmost honor and patriotism and refused to denounce America. He was just 23 years old. Pilot John Testrake, who had a gun to his head, was the first live-coverage hostage in what was the first successful wall-to-wall live TV coverage that Islamic terrorists have used to their advantage ever since.

center>The Heroes of Dearbornistan Hijacked TWA 847, Murdered Robert Dean Stethem
As I’ve said in every anniversary I’ve marked of this tragedy, Hezbollah’s Shi’ites won in the short run because America–and this was Ronald Reagan’s biggest mistake–never retaliated for this horrible terrorist act. And in the long run, Hezbollah won because tens of thousands of its Shi’ites now occupy and dominate Dearbornistan and Dearbornistan Heights, Michigan, where they’ve already elected a Hezbollah judge and coopted a large number of dhimmi elected official and other politicians. Donald Trump orchestrated a Hezbollah supporter (whose family members are Hezbollah terrorists) into the position of Miss USA at his silly pageant, and FOX News morning bimbo Gretchen Carlson didn’t have the decency or the balls to ask her about it. And because Republican AND Democrat politicians–including Presidential candidates on both sides–repeatedly pander to them for their endorsement, despite the fact that these Shi’ites support Hezbollah and Iran. We may have gotten “All-American Muslim” off a minor cable network. But where it counts–on America’s streets–they are running the show more and more. Mitt Romney will pander to Michiganistan’s Hezbollah Shi’ites just as George W. Bush and Barack Obama did. Don’t forget how W. out-pandered Al Gore to get their meaningless endorsement. Romney will make the same effort, and I hear he’s already made entreaties to these cretins on our shores. And, so, while I will not forget Rob Stethem and what happened to him, most of America already has. And both of two men–one of whom will run the country for the next four years–will pander to those who honor and support his murderers.
I’ve written much more about how those who hijacked TWA 847 keep on winning, including here and here.
Robert Dean Stethem, gruesomely murdered on that plane for being a proud American and serving in America’s military, rest in peace. John Testrake, who died later in life but acted with courage and honor with a gun to his head, rest in peace also. Their ghosts must certainly be wailing over how Hezbollah has invaded America without a single bullet–without an ounce of protest or resistance–since they left this Earth.
Never forget. Never forgive. And wake up to what is going on inside our borders while we do nothing.
Tags: Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Dearbornistan, Dearbornistan Heights, Hezbollah, Hezbollah Muslims in America, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Jihad, John Testrake, Lebanon, Navy Diver Robert Dean Stethem, Robert Dean Stethem, Shi'ite Ama Militia, Shi'ite Muslims, TWA 847 hijacking, TWA Flight 847
Hezbollah today runs the Lebanese government.
Its not the first time in history an extremist movement took over a country.
We may have a reprieve in Egypt, where the military just invalidated the Muslim Brotherhood win in the recent parliamentary elections there. The irony is the Obama Administration has been fighting hard to install Islamists in power in Cairo.
America should take the right path like Robert Dean Stethem and John Testrake did. But it probably and tragically won’t.
And we should never forget or forgive those who murdered an innocent American in cold blood.
NormanF on June 14, 2012 at 3:29 pm