June 15, 2012, - 4:56 pm
Obama’s Nightmare “DREAM Act” Amnesty for “Kids”: Will Mitt Romney Repeal It? Don’t Hold Your Breath
As you know by now, Barack Obama and Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano a/k/a “The Lesbionic Woman” made it official: because elected officials won’t pass the “DREAM Act,” they will make law by fiat and refuse to deport all illegal aliens who came here before age 16 and are now under age 30. There are a few other conditions (see below). But, illegal aliens and their anchor babies are applauding, not only in Latino illegal alien communities but all over Muslim Dearbornistan and other Muslim enclaves in America that are chock full of Muslim illegal aliens who came here before age 16. At least two terrorist plots I’ve written about in the last year and a half were stopped by FBI agents before the Muslim illegal aliens who planned them–and had been living here illegally for years since their teens–perpetrated them. But Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have been telling me for months that they were unable to move on deportations of these so-called “DREAM Act” cases. This just makes a horrible policy official and out in the open. The thing is, it was already policy under both Bush and Obama NOT to deport illegal aliens who do not have a criminal record. These illegal alien “kids” are already getting college scholarships, etc., and living freely here without fear of any consequences. So, this is really, again, just a formality. The only difference is that these aliens will now have legal status to work. Will they be required to register for the draft? Don’t count on it. Only American citizens will have to do that. And if you think a President Romney would repeal this latest Obama immigration amnesty offensive, dream on.

Illegal Aliens Have the Last Laugh, as do Incompetents Obama, Napolitano and ICE Chief John Morton. The Joke’s on the Rest of Us
As I told you here, Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio announced that he would introduce legislation giving the exact same legal status to these illegal aliens . . . at the behest of Mitt Romney, in his quest to get the Hispanic vote. Think he’ll repeal this new Obama policy? Think again. He will not. This is going to be the official immigration policy of the U.S. no matter who is elected, and that’s the disgusting part. We expect this from Obama. We deserved a Republican nominee who is different, and we don’t have one. We just have our full-White Obama as opposed to their half-White Obama. This morning, Homeland Security and ICE announced that in order to qualify for the legal status (and the ability to take jobs from legal U.S. citizens who either were born here or went through proper procedures), the illegal alien must fit these conditions:
• came to the United States under the age of sixteen;
• is not above the age of thirty;
• has continuously resided in the United States for at least five years preceding the date of this memorandum and is present in the United States on the date of this memorandum;
• is currently in school, has graduated from high school, has obtained a general education development certificate, or is an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States;
• has not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, or multiple misdemeanor offenses; and
• does otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.
That last one must have been a typo by Homeland Security and is probably supposed to be “does NOT toehrwise pose a threat . . . .”
You really think that ICE is gonna check each person to make sure they meet these conditions? Good luck with that. This just paves the way for amnesty for everyone. No matter who is the President. And, with little immigration enforcement, we basically have that now, anyway.
One other thing: in his speech on this, today, Obama said that these illegal aliens are Americans in their hearts and minds and in every way except on paper. Um, how does he know? Has he ever gone to Dearbornistan or East L.A. and everywhere else to ask each of them? I guarantee you that many of them–far too many–are American in geographic location and residence only.
America . . . desperate but NOT serious. Yup, we’re screwed.
Tags: amnesty, Barack Obama, DREAM Act, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Mitt Romney
What’s this BS about being honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States?!…
Doesn’t one have the right to a “Green Card” (and eventually US citizenship) if one serves in these anyway?!…
By the way, how many of those Dearbornistan “Amnesty Kids” will even consider serving in these US forces?!…
Hans on June 15, 2012 at 5:09 pm