April 23, 2009, - 1:45 am
UAE Prince Tortures Man to Near-Death; ABC News Anchor Terry Moron Compares it to U.S. “Torture” of Terrorists; UPDATE: Video Fixed
By Debbie Schlussel
Wednesday Night, on ABC News’ “Nightline,” investigative reporter Brian Ross showed a chilling–but not surprising–tape of Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan, a prince in the United Arab Emirates’ ruling royal family, brutally torturing a man within inches of his life. Sheikh Issa’s brother Mohammed is the Crown Prince of the U.A.E. More details on the video and the story behind it here.
The man being beaten, held down, and shot at by Sheikh Issa is a farmer, who the prince claims cheated him out of $5,000 of grain. For that alleged slight, Prince Issa forces the man to eat sand, beats him with a wooden plank with a nail on it, shoots at him, pours lighter fluid on the man’s testicles and sets them aflame, drives a nail through his buttock flesh, electrocutes him with a cattle prod, and then repeatedly runs over him with an SUV.
Incredibly, ABC News anchor Terry Moran–brother of liberal pseudo-conservative hack blogger and Islamo-apologist Rick Moran–has the utter gall to compare this real torture to America’s “torturing” (which is nothing close to this) of no more than three Islamic terrorists–including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah–who were bent on our destruction.
Brian, that is a shocking investigation, especially as our own country is engaged in a wrenching debate on torture.
You Schmuck. We never did anything like this to terrorists. This is inhumane. And this man is a grain farmer, not a terrorist. That this Terry Moron has the nerve to compare our legitimate use of mild discomfort to find out terrorist plots against Americans, to the near-murder of a grain farmer is just plain sickening. This farmer miraculously survived, but he spent months in the hospital with massive internal injuries. We never did that–or anything close to that–to the terrorists we interrogated, who actually deserved it far more.
When you see all the skyscrapers and fancy hotels of Dubai and hear how westernized it supposedly is, remember that several of those skyscrapers, including this one and this one, are owned by this barbarian, Sheikh Issa–whose other royal family members probably act the same way. Some have even suggested he’s the “Milk Sheikh” from the Al-Nahyan family who “dated” (euphemism) bim Pamela Anderson. She’s so worried about animal rights, but apparently not so worried about her barbarian boyfriend’s treatment of humans.
I’ve written about Sheikh Issa’s father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the President of the U.A.E. until his death a few years ago. He gave a lot of money to President’s Bush’s loser brother Neil (of failed Silverado Savings and Loan fame) through his Zayed Center, which also funded anti-Semitic, anti-American, Holocaust-denial speakers and books, which claimed that the U.S., Israel, and the CIA were behind 9/11. The Al-Nahyans were the original 9/11 truthers.
The tape of Sheikh Issa’s barbaric torture of a man for sport, was smuggled out of the U.A.E. by Bassam Nabulsi, a Muslim Arab businessman in Texas, who had a falling out with Sheikh Issa after the two did business together. It’s interesting how moral Mr. Nabulsi now acts, even though he did business with this barbarian for years. It’s a sure bet this isn’t the first time he’s seen Sheikh Issa do this. It’s on videotape, because Issa ordered his brother–the U.A.E. chief of police–to tape it so he could watch it over and over again with his friends for entertainment. He had his people insert the Arab musical soundtrack. The screaming is real.
It’s ironic: “Issa” is Arabic for “Jesus.”
The U.A.E.’s response to ABC News:
The government statement said its review found “all rules, policies and procedures were followed correctly by the Police Department.”
The tape is no surprise to me. This is how they are. They are barbarians, animals, complete scumbags. And this is to whom our leaders are buddying up. President George W. Bush welcomed this sadist to his Crawford, Texas ranch, when he was still President. Nabulsi, the man who smuggled the tape out of the UAE, is suing Sheikh Issa in federal court in Texas. The Sheikh’s lawyer represented President Bush in the 2000 Florida recount and is a partner with the pan-Arabist James A. “F-ck the Jews” Baker in the law firm, Baker Botts. Figures.
These are the “people” of whom we are supposed to be tolerant, whom we are expected to call peaceful. Yup, just like the SS death camp guards were peaceful.
Maybe, one day, when they make these videos of Muslims doing this on our own soil, we will wake up. But, then, it will be too late. It is already too late.
Dubai is fast running out of oil, which is why it has focused on becoming a tourism destination. Since they are largely, therefor, no longer of value to us, why are we still sucking up to these barbarians?
And where are Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and all the other faux-humanitarian celebs–all of whom hang out in the UAE’s Dubai (where Brangelina owns property)?
Strangely silent. Desert crickets chirping.

they only way we will be rid of people like thyem, is to stop buying their oil, and engaing in commerce with them. whether through more drilling, or wind or solar power i do not care, let’s stop doing business with these people
mindy1 on April 23, 2009 at 6:27 am