July 11, 2012, - 1:24 pm
MD Rabbi Alam: Muslim Pro-Life Endorsed Dem Candidate Says Jews Behind 9/11, Defends Florida Islamic Jihad Terrorist; VIDEO
I’m not surprised that open Jew-hater M D Rabbi Alam, a Bangladeshi Muslim immigrant, is a prominent Missouri Democrat and a candidate for Secretary of State. There are plenty like him from Dearbornistan and Dearbornistan Heights and other Muslim-controlled enclaves throughout America . . . and they get elected and hold office. What’s disappointing is that this loon–who thinks the lives of Jews are expendable–got the pro-life endorsement from Right to Life of Missouri PAC. More proof that Right to Life is a needless group of robots who have no critical thinking skills or intellect whatsoever. (I experienced the fraud and idiocy of Right to Life when they endorsed my pro-abortion opponent during my candidacy for the Michigan House.) Watch the pro-Palestinian video below of this putz, defending convicted terrorist and founder of Islamic Jihad, Sami Al-Arian (who helped orchestrate the bombing of a bus, resulting in the murder of New Jersey college student Alisa Flatow –hey, sounds pro-life to me!). He’ll never be elected to anything, until Muslims reach critical mass in Missouri. But shame on the many Sikhs (the men in the turbans, below) for supporting this extremist. I guess they conveniently forgot all the Muslim murders of Sikhs in India. And who are the White idiots in the photo?

A Democratic Party caucus chairman vying to become Missouri’s next secretary of state is a 9/11 Truther who has associated with a radical Muslim cleric and trafficked in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
MD Rabbi Alam is an Obama campaign ally and Missouri-based Democratic activist who chairs the National Democratic Party Asian American Caucus (NDPAAC), a Democratic National Committee-sponsored organization that liaises with Asian minorities.
Alam, who was born in Bangladesh, served as a “satellite campaign manager” for then-candidate Barack Obama and the Democratic Party during the 2008 elections, and has since been invited to the White House.
Alam has speculated about Jewish involvement in the September 11th terrorist attacks and participated in an event with a Muslim cleric who has accused Israel of terrorism and alleged that the U.S. invented the HIV disease.
“Why [was] 9/11 was a official holidy [sic] for all jewish [sic] people worked in the the [sic] WTC?” Alam asked in an Internet discussion titled, “Was 9/11 a conspiracy??”
Alam went on to tout the 9/11 Truther film Loose Change 9/11, and challenged readers to “tell me how many of the Jewish people died on the 9/11 tragedy?”
Asked in an interview Monday about his provocative views, Alam stood by his controversial writings, admitting that he has been “waiting to discuss it with somebody.”
“My question was, ‘What’s the reason not a single Jew was killed on that day,’” Alam said, maintaining that his inquiries are based on facts, rather than a bias against Jewish people. “Was there a single Jew killed on that day?”
Actually, plenty of Jews were killed that day. I’m related to one of ’em–my distant cousin Jon Schlissel.
Tags: 911, Alisa Flatow, Anti-Semitic Democrats, Islamic anti-Semitism, Islamic Jihad, Jews, MD Alam, MD Rabbi Alam, Missouri Right to Life, Muslim, Muslim anti-Semitism, National Democratic Party Asian Americdan Caucus, NDPAC, Palestinians, Right to Life of Missouri PAC, Sami Al-Arian
This is the future of the Democratic Party – he won’t win in November but it says a lot about how much progress fringe views have made it into the American mainstream since 9/11.
And the frauds and morons who populate this country continue to insist Islam and Trutherism aren’t the problem. Two sides of the same coin.
Hey, with friends like Rabbbi Alam here at home America doesn’t need enemies abroad.
NormanF on July 11, 2012 at 1:36 pm