July 17, 2012, - 12:36 pm
Abigail Disney: Hitler Fan Walt Disney’s Descendant Joins Anti-Israel Boycott
**** UPDATE: A friend of mine wrote to tell me that he briefly worked at Disney, and that they call it “Mouseschwitz.” Clearly, for a reason. Several of them. ****
Walt Disney had a well earned reputation as an anti-Semite and Hitler fan (some of his cartoons had anti-Semitic themes, he welcomed Nazi filmmaker (and Hitler paramour) Leni Riefenstahl to Hollywood, and even the Walt Disney Museum acknowledges that he had “difficult relationships” with Jews). And now, his great-niece, multi-millionaire investor, Hillary Clinton supporter, and Huffington Post contributor Abigail Disney, has come full circle. She’s now officially supporting the anti-Semitic boycott of Israel. And she’s donating money to the HAMAS cause. And, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, if you hate Israel, you hate the Jews. It’s that simple.

Abigail Disney, a descendant of one of the Disney Company founders, said Monday that she is renouncing her share of the family’s profits in the Israeli cosmetics company Ahava, saying it is engaged in the “exploitation of occupied natural resources.”
Disney said she will donate the profits and a sum equal to the worth of her shares to “organizations working to end this illegal exploitation.” Disney, 52, a filmmaker and businesswoman, is the granddaughter of Roy O. Disney, who co-founded The Walt Disney Company with his brother Walt.
Her move, however, has more of a symbolic significance than a financial one. Shamrock Holdings, the family firm in which she is a partner, has invested heavily in Israel, as evidenced by the wide-ranging activity of its Israeli affiliate, Shamrock Israel.
According to various media reports, Shamrock has invested some $400 million in Israeli companies, about a fifth of its capital. Among its holdings is an investment worth at least $12 million in Ahava, which is based in Kibbutz Mitzpe Shalem on the Dead Sea shores, outside Israel’s pre-1967 borders.
“Recent evidence from the Israeli Civil Administration documents that Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories sources mud used in its products from the occupied shores of the Dead Sea, which is in direct contravention to provisions in the Hague Regulations and the Geneva Convention forbidding the exploitation of occupied natural resources,” Disney said in a statement released after informing her family and partners of her decision.
“Because of complicated legal and financial constraints, I am unable to withdraw my investment at this time, but will donate the corpus of the investment as well as the profits accrued to me during the term of my involvement to organizations working to end this illegal exploitation,” she said.
One of Israel’s best known brands overseas, Ahava makes skin care products derived from Dead Sea mud and mineral-based compounds from the Dead Sea. It has stores in Israel, Germany, Hungary, the Philippines and Singapore. . . .
Until two months ago, Disney had been deputy chairman of Shamrock Holdings, which was founded in 1978 by her father Roy E. Disney. The firm bought a 17 percent stake in Ahava in 2008. Ahava representatives said the investment gave them capital to expand overseas, particularly in the United States.
Shamrock also has a stake in the Teva Naot footwear company, which is located in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc south of Jerusalem, and in the Orad company, which makes, among other things, control and monitoring technology for the separation barrier running through the West Bank.
Disney, who has a Ph.D. in English from Columbia University, began making documentary films in 2007. Together with her husband, Pierre Hauser, Disney is co-founder and co-president of the Daphne Foundation, which makes grants to grassroots, community-based organizations working with low-income communities in New York City and describes itself as “progressive and seeking social change.”
I’ll bet her great-uncle Walt is proud of her for carrying on the family’s anti-Semitic tradition.
Who knew that when HAMAS stole the image of Mickey Mouse to promote its jihadist agenda, it wasn’t such a stretch from Mickey’s family business?
Apparently, the Magic Kingdom now includes 72 virgins. Sadly for everyone involved, they all look like Abigail Disney.
Help counteract this flabulous Jew-hater’s moves by buying something from Ahava, today. (If you are a guy, you can buy it for that woman in your life.) (Buying something on Amazon through this link helps support this site, too.)
Tags: Abigail Disney, Ahava, Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories, anti-Israel boycott, anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism, Bar Mitzvah party, Daphne Foundation, Dead Sea, Disney, Hillary Clinton, Hitler, Israel, Jews, Kibbutz Mitzbpeh Shalem, Kibbutz Mitzpe Shalem, Leni Reifenstahl, Leni Riefenstahl, Mouseschwitz, Mtizpe Shalem, Naot, Nazis, Pierre Hauser, Roy Disney, Roy Disney's granddaughter, Roy O. Disney, Shamrock Holdings, Shamrock Israel, Teva, Teva Naot, Walt Disney, Walt Disney's great-niece
Debbie –
The IOC has admitted kowtowing to Muslim and Arab countries is more important than instituting a moment of official silence for Israeli athletes slain by Islamic terrorists.
When the comes to the Jews and Israel, from the IOC to Abigail Disney to Salon partnering up with the anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hate website Mondoweiss, its open season on the Jews in this world.
Always has been and will always be.
NormanF on July 17, 2012 at 12:56 pm