July 20, 2012, - 1:59 pm
Aurora Batman Massacre: I’ve Always Worried About Movie Bombers & Parents Who Bring 6-Yr-Olds to Violent Movies; Disgusting Tea Party Attacks
Stop trying to invoke meaning or left-wing policy into the craziness of a crazy. Stop using the tragic loss of life to push crap on America. Seems that’s all that’s happening after today’s mass murder tragedy at a Batman movie. All while the victims’ bodies aren’t even cold yet. Apparently, the rigor mortis has set in, too, in the brains of far too many left-wing mainstream media “reporters” and personalities. We knew it was possible to kill people at movies. It’s happened before. It has nothing to do with ideology or policy. And everything to do with sudden displays of insanity and imbalance that can’t be prevented.

As a professional movie critic, I see between 150 and 200 movies in theaters per year (that’s in addition to those I see on DVD, which they send us as screeners). (Yup, more than 400 hours of my life wasted each year in dark theaters watching mostly garbage–time I’ll never get back.) As studios get cheaper and try to save money, they have fewer and fewer private screenings for critics and more promotional screenings to which we are invited. They are always packed to the gills, and I’ve always thought, “This would be a great, cheap opportunity for a terrorist.” Terrorists could go to packed movie theaters in a multiplex on a weekend and simultaneously detonate, I’ve always thought. Sadly, the madman attack on movie-goers to “The Dark Knight Rises,” saw that on a miniature scale, last night. And now, more than ten people are dead. It’s tragic. But there is no way to prevent it, unless you want metal detectors at every theater and a TSA-“Please Remove Your Shoes and Belts” mentality in every aspect of American life. And we don’t want that.
In 1988, people were shot and killed at a showing of the Sean Penn gang warfare movie, “Colors,” at a Detroit-area theater. Thereafter, there were metal detectors at the theater, the now-defunct “AMC Americana Southfield City.” And it was a hassle. You had to arrive extra early before the movies because you had to stand in line to go through the detector. We don’t want to be that country. It likely wouldn’t have prevented gunman James Holmes who apparently came in a back door or emergency door. And yet, idiots like Brit scumbag Piers Morgan, are calling for gun control. But, if someone else in that Aurora theater, this morning, had a gun, fewer people might have died and even fewer might have been injured. In Michigan, concealed pistol license (CPL) holders are confused about whether they should risk taking their guns into theaters. That’s because the Michigan CPL restricts taking a concealed weapon into an entertainment venue with more than a certain number of people. Does that mean the individual theater in a multiplex, which would fall under the threshold, or all theaters, which would mean you can’t take your gun there? We should want more people to be allowed to try to protect themselves from people like the Aurora madman, James Holmes, who will take his gun in there anyway.
And then there is ABC News’ nauseating rush to invoke and blame the Tea Party, as they did with the Gabby Giffords shooting, the Times Square failed bombing, and in many other instances, all of which had nothing to do with anyone associated with the Tea Party. There is no evidence whatsoever that Holmes is a Tea Parry activist. In fact, given the mixed Occupy messages of “The Dark Knight Rises” (read my review), he might be an Occupy activist. But I doubt it has anything to do with the message of the movie (a message I still haven’t figured out yet days after having seen the movie). Holmes probably wanted to kill and maim as many people as possible. And a packed, much-hyped blockbuster summer movie Midnight first showing is the place to achieve that. ABC should apologize to the Tea Party. But they never will. And the rush to blame the Tea Party is interesting, too, in another way. As my friend, “Mehitabel” points out, when Islamic terrorists attack us, the mainstream media (like ABC) rushes to tell us we should love and be tolerant and understanding of the Muslims. But when they pretend it’s a tea party terrorist (and there’s yet to actually be one of those), they report it because they want us to hate the tea partiers. Not consistent. But since when are the hypocrites and frauds in the media consistent?
Ah, the six-year-old that was taken to a hospital to be treated, after this morning’s shooting (*** UPDATE: sadly, the six-year-old died ***). People are surprised by this. But, for years, I’ve railed against the many parents–most of them minorities–who take their toddler kids to late-night, violent, graphic movies (though I’ve seen plenty of Whites who take their kids to these movies, too). It’s moronic, as I’ve repeatedly noted. And movie theaters don’t have the guts to tell them, “no.” They don’t want to forgo the paying ticket of the parents, or rather–the baby-mama. “Parents” who take young kids to these movies are usually baby mamas and baby daddies with no sense of maturity, adulthood, or responsible parenting. They are sperm and womb donors, whose kids will grow up to be the same and just as idiotic and delinquent. It’s child abuse, plain and simple. And today, it was deadly for a six-year-old. If you are too cheap to pay for a baby-sitter or can’t afford one, you shouldn’t be at the movies. Irresponsible Darwin Award winners poison their young kids’ minds with violent, graphic crap in the middle of the night. Sadly, the results are visited upon the rest of us in less than a decade.
By the way, I don’t think this cretin, Holmes, was a terrorist. Terrorists by definition do something to inspire and provoke fear and action or inaction based on that fear, such as Islamic terrorists like Nidal Malik Hasan, who shoot up American soldiers because of some fraudulent grievance about the Palestinians and Muslims in Iraq. Holmes did no such thing. He just murdered and maimed. And clearly, he did it out of some criminally insane fantasy.
Nothing to read into or get out of this. We just need to remember the victims and make sure they get justice against this guy. He definitely deserves the death penalty (which they have in Colorado), but he probably won’t get it. We don’t mean business in America. After all, we’re the country that takes 6-year-old kids to midnight showings of violent flicks. And uses the tragic mass murder of innocent people to vilify conservative activists and argue in favor of making citizens less safe by disarming them.
Tags: Aurora, Colorado, Dark Knight Massacre, Dark Knight Rises, James Holmes, massacre, Mehitabel, Movie Reviews, shooting, Tea Party, The Dark Knight Rises, tragedy
This many people are murdered in Chicago every week. But we don’t see Barry and Michelle stopping to comment on it. Gee, why is that?
David on July 20, 2012 at 2:08 pm