July 25, 2012, - 6:44 pm
James “F— The Jews” Baker Now Romney Foreign Policy Adviser (Along w/ Other Israel-Haters)
Don’t fall for Mitt Romney’s trip to Israel, one which every major candidate for President takes these days (even Obama did when he was running in 2008). Or his tough pro-Israel talk when he’s there. Talk is cheap, and so is a plane ticket. Look at who is advising him on Israel and the Middle East. It’s mostly not a pretty picture.

A few weeks ago, I told you that James Baker–who famously said, “F— the Jews” (about Israel)–was advising Mitt Romney. I knew this from inside sources. And it was obvious, anyway, with Baker’s prominent role (along with Condi Clueless) at Romney’s recent weekend fundraising retreat, out West. But one reader e-mailed me demanding a mainstream media source, because to far too many clueless “conservatives,” if the lying liberal mainstream media doesn’t report it (or rip it off from this site), then it ain’t true. Now that reader who said she “hasn’t heard it anywhere else” (so, by her logic, it can’t be true) has her mainstream liberal media confirmation echo of what I wrote, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal. And the Journal confirms that other typically anti-Israel individuals, like Henry Kissinger, are also advising Romney.

In case you don’t know, self-hating Jew Kissinger tried to stop Nixon from sending weapons to Israel (or even blocking the waterways from Arab weapons) during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. For years and to date, he’s been a paid lobbyist and consultant to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is why he was nixed from the 9/11 Commission after Bush and Republicans initially tried to get him appointed. Kissinger’s consulting firm represented the “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” movie (read my review) filmmakers in negotiating filming in Egypt and agreed to Egyptian Antiquities Minister and open Jew-hater Zahi Hawass’ demand that Israel be eliminated from the film (the movie portrays Jordan as Egypt’s neighbor with no Israel in between).
But Baker is far worse. Read my father’s all-encompassing column about what James Baker wrought on Israel and the Middle East. It’s a must-read and frightening. I guarantee you will not be aware of most of what is in it. In addition to what is in the column, Baker was behind the very anti-Israel policy of the Bush daddy administration and was more than just Secretary of State to him. He advised George H.W. Bush to pressure Israel and deny loan guarantees to Israel unless it agreed to pull out of settlements and stop building them, saying, “F— the Jews!” Thankfully, the late Yitzchak Shamir rebuffed the pressure. Baker, knowing that Jews do not typically hunt (because it is against our religion), publicly used an anti-Semitic quail-hunting analogy to characterize Israel and Prime Minister Shamir (hint: Israel and Shamir were the quail being hunted in the analogy). And Baker was friendly with Yasser Arafat and other anti-Israel forces, including Muslim nations that later paid his law firm for lobbying and consulting. His firm’s largest client was and is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As the architect of the “Iraq Study Group,” his report blamed Israel for the war in Iraq and said the only way to fix things was to further shrink Israel with more land concessions.
I’ve already told you about Romney Middle East adviser Dan Senor, the liberal, self-hating Jewish Republican who made it big in Washington by helping his then-boss HAMASCAIR fan Spencer Abraham send over $85 million in foreign aid to Hezbollah in South Lebanon, just after Israel pulled out of the region. They tried to get $268 million, and they did it at the request of anti-Israel activist James Zogby, an open Hezbollah and HAMAS supporter. Also at Zogby’s request, Senor helped Abraham block money for a computerized alien-tracking system that would have kept track of aliens who visit the country on student, visitor, special talent, and other types of visas, after Congress had voted to do that and Bill Clinton signed it into law. Senor also helped Abraham put HAMAS CAIR on the map, when Abraham personally took HAMAS CAIR representatives around Capitol Hill to meet other Senators and Members of Congress. And before he left to work for the Bin Laden Carlyle Group, Senor proudly stood by his boss Abraham, as he was one of only two U.S. Senators refusing to sign a letter to Bill Clinton, calling on him to condemn Yasser Arafat and the many homicide bombings that had just occured at that time in Israel, at a pizza shop, a bar, buses, and elsewhere. Senor’s wife, the failed TV news host Campbell Brown (an uber-liberal who is now attacking liberals because she’s trying to get hired by FOX News), was the concubine of Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir before she “dated” (euphemism) Senor. And she was known for her gushing, pandering interviews of HAMAS leaders, including Abdel-Aziz Al-Rantissi, to whom she threw softball questions. Later, as an NBC White House correspondent, she helped boytoy Al-Jubeir cover up Saudi then-Crown-Prince Abdullah’s refusal to allow women on the tarmac or in the control tower of the Waco airport when the Prince went to visit President Bush at his Crawford, Texas ranch.
The only decent Romney foreign policy adviser is John Bolton (and maybe George Schultz, who turned out to be okay under Reagan), but he’s apparently on the team as a symbolic sop to conservatives and doesn’t hold much sway with Romney, as opposed to the others.
With little foreign-policy experience of his own, Mitt Romney is relying on both moderate and hawkish neoconservative advisers as he embarks this week on his first overseas trip as the presumptive Republican presidential candidate. . . . His decision to tap several high-profile moderate advisers says that a President Romney might not adopt policies quite as tough as some of his campaign talk on issues such as Iran and China suggests.
Dimitri Simes, who advised Mr. Romney’s campaign in 2008 and is an expert on Russia, says the fact that Mr. Romney was a pragmatic leader as governor of Massachusetts and in the private sector suggests he might adopt a more moderate approach. “You have to judge him less by what he said during the campaign and more by what kind of leader he was,” Mr. Simes said. . . .
Mr. Romney’s advisers include some of the most exalted names in GOP foreign policy, including three former secretaries of state—Henry Kissinger, James Baker and George Shultz.
Veterans of George W. Bush’s administration pepper the team, including Cofer Black, a former CIA official and executive at the controversial private-security firm Blackwater USA. Also on the list: Eliot Cohen, who worked in the State Department under Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Paula Dobriansky, who served in both Democratic and Republican administrations, including as undersecretary for democracy and global affairs in the Bush years.
These individuals are not known at all for being pro-Israel. Just the opposite. Cohen and Dobriansky were both mouthpieces for attacks on Israel regarding settlements and what they called “disproportionate” responses by Israel to Islamic terrorist attacks and kidnappings.
The neoconservative wing is represented but doesn’t dominate the group. While former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton offers advice, he isn’t one of the most prominent figures. John Lehman, who was Secretary of the Navy in the Ronald Reagan administration, bridges the worlds between the Bush and Reagan officials.
Good luck with that. As I’ve told you before, anyone who expects Romney to reverse Obama’s course in the Middle East, especially with regard to Israel and its Arab Springtime neighbors, is living a fantasy. It just ain’t gonna happen. It will be more of the same Bush-Obama rhetoric and corresponding policy we’ve heard and seen for the last 12 years.
And it will only get worse for Israel, no matter who is elected. The only difference is that Romney will have to run for re-election and Obama can do what he wants. Still, with a man like Jim “F— the Jews” Baker on his team, there may be no difference at all.

Tags: Anti-Israel, Henry Kissinger, Islam, Israel, James A. Baker, James Baker, Jews, John Bolton, Middle East, Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney advisers, Muslim, Romney foreign policy advisers, Romney foreign policy advisors
Let me get this straight. Romney has decided to recycle the bunch which got us entangled in Iraq at the cost of thousands of American lives and trillions of dollars; the same bunch which set the stage for the ascension of the Muslim Brotherhood to regional dominance in the ME?
I guess failure isn’t at all disqualifying in Washington, but we’ll probably see “new” faces like Richard Haass and Kori Schake, who just wrote a love letter in FP to the Muslim Brotherhood.
jonahp on July 25, 2012 at 6:58 pm