August 1, 2012, - 3:07 pm
Vote NO on the Islamic Museum Tax
Sharia fans are finding a way to make you pay taxes in the form of millages to art museums to promote Islam. And whether or not you live in Michigan, you should pay attention to the Detroit Institute of Arts millage vote which is on the ballot in Michigan’s primary, next Tuesday (August 7th).

It’s a tax to help pay for expensive Korans and designs featuring the Shehadah, the Islamic oath of martyrdom uttered by Islamic terrorists, just before they murder Westerners.
The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA), unlike most other museums in North America, has a giant portion dedicated to a permanent and growing Islamic art collection. The collection consists mostly of Korans, expensive Koran pages, and other alleged forms of so-called “art” embracing and promoting Islamic shuras, pronouncements, and religious observances. None of the Koran pages (see photos below) is artistic in any way, shape, or form. They are just Arabic writings promoting Islam, the same Arabic writings that have promoted the mass murder of Non-Muslims for centuries. And here’s a tip: the DIA doesn’t have a Christian art collection. No permanent Jewish art display. No Hindu or Zoroastrian or Wiccan art collections. Just Islam. No other religion has a full-time curator dedicated to promoting its “art” at the DIA. But the DIA has a paid, full-time Islamic art expert on its staff, and she spends all of her time “curating” the collection.
Detroit Institute of Arts Islamic “Art” Collection Seeking Your Tax Money . . .
If the DIA were a private institution, what it promoted would be its business and its business alone. But it isn’t a private organization. It’s a museum seeking a tri-county public tax, from the three major counties in the Detroit area, to sustain itself and provide free admission to promote Islam with the charade of “Islamic art.” The museum is seeking a tax of around $20 per year from every Detroit-area homeowner in the three major counties in order to sustain that collection which no one–except a few Muslims–visits or wants to see. Right now, you have to pay admission to visit the DIA. But few are interested anymore. The admission fees and fundraising donations for the DIA do not cover the rising, exorbitant costs of the museum, its overpaid Museum chief, Graham Beal (who makes nearly $400,000 per year and will raise his salary, once this boondoggle tax is passed), the expensive Islamic “art” collection, and its full-time curator. Or maybe they do, since the museum currently lists over $185 million in assets.
Supporters of this art museum tax aren’t advertising the DIA’s extensive Islamic “art” collection. Instead, they are marketing it as a way for parents to get their kids some culture infusion via school field trips. That’s baloney. The museum promotes Islam, not any sort of positive cultural aesthetic or education.
If the tax passes–and there have been over $2 million in TV ads promoting the DIA Islamic “Art” tax, with nothing opposing it–the museum should and likely will face a legal challenge. That’s because any tax millage that might pass to sustain the Islamic art display at the DIA violates the Michigan Constitution’s very strict establishment clause (far stricter than the U.S. Constitution’s similar provision) preventing any public funds from being used to promote or facilitate religion in any way. And I will be watching closely because I already have potential plaintiff clients interested in this, clients who do not want to be forced to pay $29 MILLION per year (which is what the millage will raise) for the next ten years for Islamic proselytizing disguised as “art.” NO AMERICAN should be forced to subsidize Islam. (Sadly, that’s already happened through U.S. State Department funds and the White House’s Office of Faith-Based And Neighborhood Partnerships begun by President George W. Bush.)
It is absolutely illegal for any tax funds–whether or not they call it by the more palatable “millage” name–to finance the public display of Koranic pages. It’s just that simple. And that’s aside from the “County Art Authority” bureaucracy that each county would set up to govern the money they are taking from taxpayers to finance the promotion of Islam.
Americans should NOT have to pay for the display and promotion of the pages that inspired the 9/11 murders of 3,000 Americans in cold blood and many other murders around the world every single day.
If you vote in Michigan or know anyone who does, PLEASE VOTE NO on AUGUST 7th on your county’s “County Arts Authority” ballot proposal. The ballot initiative is on the ballots in Michigan’s Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties, which are the three major counties including and surrounding Detroit.
Tags: ballot proposal, County Arts Authority, Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit Institute of Arts, DIA, Islam, Islamic art, Islamic art museum tax, Macomb County, Michigan, millage, Oakland County, tax, Wayne County
Aren’t they the ones who have that Communist artwork by Diego Rivera?
LA: Yup, same place. DS
Little Al on August 1, 2012 at 3:18 pm