June 2, 2009, - 11:57 am
Obfuscating Headlines of the Day: Guess the Religion & Blame the Jews
By Debbie Schlussel
Here’s a little sampling of some headlines and stories I read in the hard copies of my morning papers. They make the mainstream media’s selective outrage quite clear.
First, there’s the murder of Pvt. William Long, 24, and wounding of Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, 18, at an Arkansas military recruitment center. They were attacked by Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad a/k/a Carlos Bledsoe, a Muslim convert who studied jihad in Yemen. He shot them because he opposed the U.S. military (based, of course, on his Islamic faith and studies).

But today’s Wall Street Journal doesn’t want you to know that. Here’s the headline and story that appeared in the paper. Hmmm . . . what’s missing? Well, it’s like telling the 9/11 story using 19 hijackers named Joe, Sam, and Bob and pretending they didn’t come here from the Muslim Middle East with specific motives and hatred against us infidels.

But then, there’s this headline, below, from today’s USA Today, the hard copy of which didn’t even mention the targeted killing and wounding committed yesterday by Muhammad in Arkansas. As an American, which story would you rather read about–“JOOOO Settlers” upset their homes and land were seized in Israel and given to HAMAS and Fatah supporters . . . or Muslims killing Americans on American soil at random? Note the headline doesn’t mention “Israelis,” only Jews. Gee, I wonder why. I wonder why we must shield the religion and obviously Muslim name of a murderer of a young soldier and wounding of another on our own soil, but yet, we must be exposed to this headline.

And FYI, here’s why the JOOOOOO settlers were so upset: the “go to hell on settlements, Obama” message the media is claiming Netanyahu is sending Obama isn’t exactly what he’s saying.
In fact, while Netanyahu is telling Obama he’ll continue to build in some areas of suburban Jerusalem, he is actually redlining Jews out of their homes in outlying settlements and, this past week, dismantled their homes. Can you imagine a President of the U.S. telling another world leader, okay, we’ll continue to let Black people build houses in suburban Detroit, but out in the country, we’ll forcibly tear down their homes and give their land to relatives of the 9/11 hijackers?
That’s what’s been happening this week in Israel. That’s why these “Jewish Settlers”–as they are derogatorily called by USA Today–are in a “rampage.” How many Palestinians did they kill? None. How many did the Muslim they’ve whitewashed kill at the Arkansas military facility? At least one, seriously wounding another.
But-shhhhhhh!–you’re not supposed to know he’s a Muslim. But you can know when people upset that their homes were seized are “JOOOS” on a “rampage.”
A couple of other points:
* One account of the Muhammad Muslim assassination at the Arkansas recruiting center features this nice little quote:
At the Monday-afternoon briefing, [Little Rock Police Chief Stuart] Thomas said investigators believe Muhammad acted alone, and likely carried “political and religious motives.” Thomas said the gunman targeted the military but was not believed to be part of a broader scheme.
Hmmm . . . which religion’s “religious motives”?
Um, if you’re acting on behalf of Islam, you ain’t acting alone. And it makes no difference whether or not he’s “connected” to a terrorist group or officially “part of a broader scheme.” No mater what, he is part of a broader scheme. It’s called Islam. Hello . . . .
One other point, as reader Craig asks, um, when will we stat hearing about how left wing hate radio and TV (i.e., Olbermann) spurred on this anti-military and anti-American violence?
Interesting–is it not, Debbie?–that NO ONE is discussing the “link” between the left wing hate radio talkers and this guy who shot two troops in AK only the need to “do something” about the Tiller [DS: the abortion doctor] murder’s links to the right wing, huh?
Well, they won’t mention his “links” to Islam, either. So, don’t hold your breath for any mention of this, either.
We’re supposed to be sensitive to the Religion Of Peace but make sure we know its the Jews who are the obstacle to peace. Got it! If all one had to go by was the headlines, Muslims are never guilty of wrong doing while Jews are blamed for living where they shouldn’t be. In the somewhat interesting movie “Flight Plan,” its helpfully shown the real threat doesn’t come from Muslim terrorists but from those charged with protecting us from that threat. The villain of the day isn’t an Islamist having murdered a US military recruiter; it Jews who refuse to submit to the American apartheid rule the Israeli government is imposing on them at Washington’s behest. After all, the headlines never ever lie about the news of the day!
NormanF on June 2, 2009 at 12:29 pm