August 20, 2012, - 7:34 pm
Augusta National Caves to Feminists w/ Addition of Two Women, Incl. Condi Clueless
In 2002-2003, Augusta National Golf Club was under heavy attack from feminists Martha Burk, USA Today columnist Christine Brennan, and other sagging former bra-burners. The Augusta National people saw me on CNN, sticking up for their right–as a private club–to admit whoever they wanted, whether or not that included any women. They liked my in-your-face style and funny lines. And, so, they got in touch with me and began referring TV bookers from CBS to ESPN to MSNBC and so on. I was quoted in several golf magazines, including Golf Digest, and I debated Burk several times . . . always kicking her ass. (Some highlights are on the video below). As a reward and because they needed me to respond to Burk’s planned protest at the Masters in April 2003, the Augusta people flew me–all expenses paid–to Georgia and gave me the rare Masters All-Access pass around the club that only members get (it’s supposed to be the most coveted ticket in all of sports). But the weather was unusually cold, it snowed two days in a row, and since I’m not the biggest golf fan, it was one of the most boring weeks of my life, but I took a bunch of matchboxes as souvenirs. (The highlight was meeting Fred Couples–he’s cool and super nice). And, so, today, I’m a little bit sad that Augusta National caved to the feminists and admitted two chicks–Condoleezza Rice a/k/a Condi Clueless and Darla Moore.

Don’t kid yourself: the club did this because of pressure, not because they wanted to. In addition to the club members’ private property rights and rights to association (or non-association), I’ve always believed that men need to have some place where they can just be men . . . without worrying what they say or do because women are around. It’s why men have man caves, go to bars, and have guys’ nights out. Everyone needs their space and alone time with their own gender, especially men. That was part of Augusta National’s raison d’etre. But after a decade of cajoling and screaming by ugly whining chicks, they let two women in. Augusta National leader Billy Paine always said the club members would admit women on their own timetable, but the fact that they did at all–no matter whose timetable it was, means the bra burners won. And the men caved . . . kind of like a guy ends up caving to his wife or girlfriend after he can no longer take the nagging.
Augusta National is a place where if you have to ask the price of admission, you can’t afford it. This is the private treehouse for zillionaires. While most men at Augusta National are captains of industry and go there to rub shoulders with fellow captains of industry and prominent former leaders, some men are there because it’s a guys only place. And while no one will give up membership to that prestigious club–a place where you are invited to join and few are called, men will continue to seek out places of their own where they can be alone and be guys without any touch of estrogen or perfume or lace or shoe collections and so on. No one forces Curves to admit male members . . . though a good number may resemble such (and it reminds of the Groucho Marx quote about not wanting to be a part of club that would have him as a member).
Guys want to socialize at times strictly with other guys. That’s just how it is. It’s human nature. Boys will be boys. And Martha Burk may have busted this club. But there will be others. And hopefully some men will hold their ground.
Guys being with other guys helps them to be men. It’s just that simple. They don’t need to be feminized in every area of life by opening up every area of life to women. It just doesn’t work. Everything in the world doesn’t need to be co-ed. Men and women aren’t the same.
And, as I always say, name a matriarchal civilization that’s lasted. You can’t. There isn’t one. Male-only clubs are good for America, just as men’s bathrooms are.
Admitting women just assured Augusta National that ultimately it won’t last, either. And that’s human nature, too.
Tags: Augusta National, Augusta National admits women, Augusta National female members, Augusta National Golf Club, Augusta National women, Augusta National women members, Billy Paine, Condi Clueless, Condoleezza Rice, Darla Moore, Golf, Martha Burk, Masters
I guess Condi can chalk this up as one of her life accomplishments. She has so few.
Worry on August 20, 2012 at 7:42 pm