August 31, 2012, - 5:37 pm
Thumbs Down: Roger Ebert Hates Israel, Upset @ Rachel Corrie Verdict
I’m not surprised by this: left-wing film critic Roger Ebert hates Israel (and for that, he is linked to and revered by the Breitfraud sites).

Several years ago, I told you about Ebert’s friendship with and loud support for Islamic terrorist Ibrahim Parlak, who is still living free in America (despite prior ICE attempts to deport him and every single court affirming that Parlak is a terrorist). After I wrote about this, Ebert responded by attacking me on his website and in his syndicated movie review column.
And, given his penchant for movies sympathetic to Islamic terrorism and Muslims in general, it’s no surprise that he despises Israel and is upset that Israel’s courts found that anti-Israel (and anti-American) activist Rachel Corrie and her terrorist friends in the International Soldiery Movement (ISM) contributed to her death and that it was an accident. Rachel Corrie was an American-flag-burning, pan-terrorist radical who died when she jumped in front of a Caterpillar bulldozer driven by the Israeli Army in Gaza and wasn’t seen by the driver. She got what she deserved. And, by the way, she died trying to stop the bulldozer from tearing down a house occupied by Islamic terrorists and used as a mechanism to smuggle HAMAS arms for attacks against innocent civilians in Israel. Check out Roger Ebert’s tweet that he sent out today on Twitter (follow me on Twitter):

Rachel Corrie Burning a Facsimile of the American Flag for Smiling Palestinian Muslim Kids in Gaza . . .

Over a decade ago, when “Seeds of Peace” camp graduate Adam Shapiro and his Palestinian Christian wife (then she was only his girlfiend–no typo) started their terrorist group, ISM (in which Corrie was an active member), I wrote an expose on their support for suicide bombings and other Islamic terrorism, despite their claims to being peaceful. Shapiro attended my speech against the University of Michigan Divestment Conference and tried to heckle me (‘cept no one could hear him), and his insane New York-based lawyer brother, Noah Shapiro, called me repeatedly threatening to sue me (he had no legit grounds). Over the years, many “reporters” in major newspapers stole my work on Shapiro, repeating my research down to the quotes I chose, the ellipses I inserted, and so on. And the Israeli Court decision against Rachel Corrie–whose American family sued Israel in Israel–relied upon those obscure quotes I found from Shapiro and Arraf in noting that ISM harbored Islamic terrorists and is at fault for what befell its activists. The decision is surprising because, though most people don’t realize it, the most anti-Israel courts in the world are the Israeli courts, which are dominated by self-hating, far-left Israeli Jews.
But Roger Ebert is surprised. The far-leftist thinks that Americans should be able to behave like Rachel Corrie and provide safe haven for Islamic terrorists who bombed innocent people the next day, and get away with it. He thinks that Americans should be able to jump, like Rachel Corrie did, in front of bulldozers tearing down the methods of terrorist attacks, and get away with it. She became the pancake she aspired to. It was to be expected.
As I noted in my original, much ripped-off piece over ten years ago and in a follow-up column I wrote more recently, Corrie’s and Shapiro’s and Arraf’s ISM harbored several Islamic terrorists the night they blew people up, including at Mike’s Bar in Tel Aviv. They tried to hide terrorists from Israeli soldiers. And whatever bad happens to them is a good thing and not bad enough.
Rachel Corrie is now rotting in hell. And no lawsuit will ever change her fate. She was evil in life. She is not missed in death. Her parents, who raised her to be a radical, anti-American, anti-Semitic piece of crap should–instead of filing lawsuits–be blaming themselves for creating this destructive force whose fate they helped seal and was well-deserved.
But don’t worry about her parents’ fate. They, predictably, are working the Arab Muslim lecture circuit across America. If she had been raped and tortured to death in Gaza–as would have been her fate there–do you think mommy and daddy would be able to sue the HAMASniks? They’d be laughed and dismembered all the way to the Rafah Gate.
And the HAMASniks wouldn’t give two craps about Roger Ebert’s dumb tweets.
By the way, my favorite response to Ebert is this one from David Makowsky:

Spot on.
Memo to the ghost of Rachel Corrie: if you don’t wanna die, don’t jump in front of a bulldozer. Yup, I know–it’s rocket-scientist-level advice.
Tags: Islamic Terrorism, ISM, Israel, Rachel Corrie, Rachel Corrie flag burning, Rachel Corrie verdict, Roger Ebert, terrorists
I have read Rachel Corrie’s rants. It was the sort of jargon filled gibberish that would have embarrassed most Marxists.
Worry on August 31, 2012 at 7:11 pm