September 11, 2012, - 2:31 pm
9/11: Best Tactical, PR Move For Islam Ever; We Are Less Safe, More PC “Blind” to Islamic Threat
As you know, today marks 11 years since the best tactical and public relations move by Islam in its history: the 9/11 Islamic attacks on America. To the Muslim world–and backed up by reality, the 3,000 Americans murdered were merely collateral damage to the greater achievement against the Western world. In America, 9/11 was the catalyst for a non-stop wave of absurd accommodation to Islam, and exuberant political correctness and willful blindness to the Islamic threat on American soil. Eleven year later, we are less safe and more stupid as a nation. And we did it all because we don’t want Muslims who inherently hate us to hate us. We just wanna be loved and be the good guy. Morons. That’s what we are. That’s how the Muslim world and the Arab Street see us, as they’ve had 11 years of idiocy by which to measure our reaction to their concerted, constant attacks against us (and that’s aside from the many attacks in the decades before).

Sexy Palestinian Muslim on Ramallah Street Cheers 9/11 Attacks.
They say that Jews and Catholics always have guilt. Well, I’ve never seen more collective guilt for o reason than the American public and its government. In fact, it’s not guilt . . . it’s post-9/11 Stockholm Syndrome. As a result of bowing to 9/11 guilt, we have far many more Muslims on our soil as a reward to the religion of the hijackers, the religion of the Undiebomber, the religion of the Fort Hood massacre artist, the religion of the Times Square bomber. And the cancer grows. 40% of Muslims now on American soil came here in the years since 9/11, most of them under President Bush’s watch (and he quadrupled the number of Saudi student visas per year to over 60,000–none of whom will be tracked or observed by our government while they are up to no good). Almost unanimously, Muslims in America support HAMAS, Hezbollah (both of which are part of the Al-Qaeda network and the 9/11 Commission report notes Hezbollah’s extensive involvement in the 9/11 attacks), and all of the Islamic terrorist “rebels” now sweeping through the Middle East with our help. Oh, and don’t worry about Islamic guilt. There ain’t any of that. Not that we’ve seen.
While they are laughing at us, we are spending $40 million a year to maintain a Ground Zero memorial. It costs $5 million per year just to maintain silly twin reflecting pools where the World Trade Center Towers once stood. We shouldn’t be reflecting. We should be resolute against the enemy and the Towers should have been rebuilt. Reflecting is for the weak, the cowardly, the politically correct, the liberal. And yet, you are financing it. This week, Ford Motor Company is having a silly “National Week of Caring.” Um, caring about what? The only way to show you care about what happened on 9/11, is not to turn this into some ridiculous, nebulous day of national service, but to recognize what happened and who did it (Muslims, Islam), and take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again. We’ve done none of that.
Patches from national events held by the Boy Scouts of America show what Muslims accomplished by carrying out–and cheering worldwide for–the 9/11 attacks. See below. In 2000, before the attacks, the Boy Scouts featured the symbols of the Judeo-Christian religions. In 2001, after the attacks, they added the Islamic crescent as a reward for the mass murder of 3,000 Americans. It’s not just the Boy Scouts that made Islam–the official religion of hijackers, shoe-and-undie-bombers, and Army base massacre artists–a part of everything. All of America embraced and bent over for Islam, despite the fact that the vast majority of mainstream Muslims in America support Islamic terrorism and won’t denounce anti-Semitism or anti-Christian behavior by other Muslims in America and elsewhere around the world. Despite all of the evidence–all of the Islamic terrorist attacks and attempts on America since (on Army bases, in Times Square, on airplanes), Americans are subjected to a pop culture of idiots, telling us how nice Islam is. In fact, on today’s edition of ABC’s yenta hag-fest, “The View,” Baba Wawa informed us, “The Islamic religion is in no way a violent religion . . . AT ALL.” Really? You’re gonna tell me that with a straight face? The View hags got all upset over Pat Robertson’s joke, yesterday, that a man should move to Saudi Arabia so he could beat his errant wife. Um, do Saudi men not beat women? Are you denying that they don’t allow women to drive and that they force them to be accompanied by a male guardian whenever they go anywhere? That Saudis don’t allow women to own any property? Are we really supposed to pretend that these things are not the stark reality? Especially on the 11th anniversary of 15 Saudi men (and four other violent Muslims) hijacking American planes and murdering 3,000 Americans?

As a result of 9/11, President Bush and Joe Lieberman created a giant government bureaucracy that’s made us less safe than on 9/10: the Department of Homeland Security. The Department has a budget of $40 billion dollars, this year. And yet, instead of security, we have security theater and political correctness. We have a Homeland Security chief who is too busy finding jobs for her lesbian girlfriend to worry about Americans. Within DHS, we have Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS), which spends less than six minutes per citizenship application, rubber-stamping in Islamic terrorists and other malefactors. Even on the rare occasion when CIS denies a man tied to Anwar Al-Awlaki citizenship (and the man lies to authorities about it), we have federal judges overruling this decision and swearing the guy in. We have Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents who aren’t allowed to round up illegal aliens–and wasn’t immigration the whole reason DHS was created (as a result of bad PR over INS contractors rubber-stamping visa renewals for some of the 9/11 hijackers)? Instead, ICE has become an agency concerned with sex tourism and child porn, things that just aren’t national security threats and are, in fact, also investigated and worked by myriad other local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.
Since 9/11, the U.S. Customs Service–which had done excellent work tracing and stopping terrorist money-laundering along with the U.S. Secret Service–was disbanded and folded into ICE. The terrorism money-laundering beat was given exclusively to the FBI, which blew it off. Hawalas–money-transfer schemes often used by Islamic terrorists–are rarely prosecuted or even investigated by anyone anymore. Ditto for sham marriages, often used by Islamic terrorists.
Because of 9/11, top ICE and other Homeland Security officials were forced to watch a DVD about how to behave around Muslims–including removing their shoes when they go to arrest an Islamic terrorist, and then they were tested on the material. Oh, and the DVD was designed by Muslim and Arab groups that openly support HAMAS and Hezbollah. Muslims were given affirmative action into top positions at the Department of Homeland Security. I’ve written about several of them. These are people who openly support HAMAS and Hezbollah. A top Homeland Security intelligence analyst, a Palestinian Muslim, stole at least $2 million in Homeland Security funds, which he furtively sent to bank accounts in Jordan. He went on several trips to Jordan using a secret passport and not telling anyone about it. Where did he go there? With whom did he meet? What did the money fund? We’ll never know because he got a slap on the wrist and the Justice Department didn’t make him talk as a condition of his plea agreement.
At Detroit Metro Airport, the Palestinian Muslim woman who is third in command of Customs and Border Protection was hired and quickly promoted despite the fact that her Palestinian Muslim husband was an illegal alien at the time and the other inconvenient fact that her brother is a known drug dealer between Chicago and Miami. Oh, and the fact that she failed all the tests she needed to pass to get the job.
In the 11 years since the 9/11 attacks, we’ve given tax money to at least two chains of Muslim charter schools across America, parading as Arabic or Turkish charter schools. President Bush created a special division of the Justice Department’s Office of Civil Rights, just to go after and prosecute innocent Americans who’ve written blog posts exposing the Islamic threat or responded to e-mails sent to them by Muslim clerics.
And less than a month ago, a convicted terrorist in the first terrorist trial by jury since 9/11, well . . . he became a citizen. Farouk Ali-Hamoud, who had over 100 violent Islamic terrorist tapes in his Detroit home on Norman Street, and who had diagrams of the take-off order of American AWACS planes and Israeli F-15s at the U.S. Air Force Base in Incerlik, Turkey became a citizen. You see, the Bush administration, upset at the publicity that prosecutor Rick Convertino got for convicting him, got the judge to overturn the jury verdict. And then they went after Convertino, trying to prosecute him. Over a year ago, I had government officials call me and ask me for information that would prevent Ali-Haimoud and his terrorist co-horts from becoming citizens. I laughed. This man was convicted. He had tapes in his room that said a disobedient woman should have a shovel beaten through her stomach until she’s dead. And the government didn’t care, choosing to allow this scumbag to live and breathe free . . . on American soil. And laugh at us.

And that’s the joke: it’s called America. A joke of a country that is desperate but just not serious about national security and protecting its way of life. A country that shirked its duty in the past eleven years.
We are less safe and more doomed. Like I said, 9/11 was the best thing in Islamic history. America’s cowardly response of appeasement is the worst in its history. And, ultimately, it will be our death knell.
We won’t see it happen in our generation or even our grand-children’s generation. But it will happen. The cancer is within and it’s metastasized. No matter what the idiots on “The View” or at Homeland Security tell you.
7.5 years of the Bush administration and 3.75 years of the Obama administration facilitated the giant American Bend-Over to Islam. Don’t look for that to change, no matter who wins in November.
An American Pulse Survey shows that nearly 70% of Americans say they’ve moved on from the events of 9/11. But they have a comprehension problem. Sticking your head in the sand is not moving on.
Osama Bin Laden is dead, but he’s still having the last laugh.
Eleven Years After 9/11, They’re Having the Last Laugh . . .

* Remember Who Died on 9/11:
My Cousin, Jon Schlissel, Z”L (Of Blessed Memory), Was One of 3,000 Innocent American Murdered on 9/11
* Remember Who Did It:
“9/11 Was an Islam Job” Graphic By Reader Doda McCheesle
* Remember Who Celebrated:
Palestinian Woman on Ramallah Street Cheers 9/11 Attacks, Along w/ Her Fellow Muslims Worldwide, Including Palestinian Sunnis in Paterson, New Jersey and Lebanese Shi’ites in Dearbornistan & West Bloomfield, Michigan
The biotch Katie Couric gives excuses for it (and blames Israel–you know, blame the JOOOOS):
Watch the video below to remember what really happened on 9/11.
Tags: 9/11 Attacks, 911, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Jihad
Debbie, I wish you would remember that not all of the dead were Americans. While the vast majority were, of course, around 12 per cent of the dead were foreign nationals from all around the world, including my own country.
While the atrocity of September 11th 2001 should never be forgotten, neither should the fact that many countries and people were affected by it. Your priority may be just for the Americans who were killed, and understandably so, but to totally ignore the rest, especially to the extent that you have done on more than one occasion is simply wrong. And also hurtful.
Alison on September 11, 2012 at 3:02 pm