September 25, 2012, - 2:44 pm
Mario Batali: Occupy Chef (& Hypocrite1%-er) Settles w Waitstaff he Cheated @ $150 Meal Restaurant
Celebrity Chef Mario Batali owns 19 restaurants and hosts ABC’s “The Chew.” He’s a multi-millionaire, has vacation homes, and is a bona fide member of the One Percent–the top one percent of Americans in income and assets against whom the Occupy crowd pretends to rail. And yet Batali, whose nine restaurants in New York are mostly very expensive and rely on Wall Streeters and other finance industry execs for customers, is a big supporter of the Occupy movement, Occupy Wall Street, and Barack Obama. He sent some meals to the Occupy Wall Streeters camping out in New York’s Zuccotti Park. Yes, he’s a hypocrite. And, he’s even more of a hypocrite and a fraud when you consider the details of the lawsuit Batali just settled with the waitstaff at one of his very expensive restaurants. There must have been some merit to the allegations, since he paid $1.15 million to settle the suit. Another suit against him, with similar allegations, settled for much more.

Mario Batali: Occupy Chef, One-Percenter & Obama Supporter Who Stiffs His Workers
Celebrity chef and restaurateur Mario Batali today agreed with his partners to pay $1.15 million to 31 workers at Del Posto, settling a 2010 labor dispute at his most expensive New York restaurant.
The agreement resolves claims alleging misappropriation of tips, racial discrimination, spread of hours pay, lost minimum wage and overtime, according to a joint statement from Del Posto’s owners and Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York (ROC-NY), a nonprofit advocacy group for the workers. . . .
Del Posto charges $115 for its five-course dinner menu, and $145 for its tasting menu.
The owners, B&B Hospitality Group, agreed to institute sensitivity training for management and an “expansion” of paid sick days and paid vacation.
In an e-mail statement, Batali said he looks “forward to working with ROC-NY to continue to foster and improve a mutually beneficial relationship with our team.”
The joint statement also said the restaurant will work with ROC-NY to become a “High Road Employer” in the industry. . . .
Earlier this year Batali settled another tips-related lawsuit for $5.25 million.
Wow, sounds like he’s a real man of the people, er . . . the 99%.
Tags: B&B Hospitality Gruop, Barack Obama, Del Posto, hypocrites, Hypocritical One Percenters, lawsuit, Mario Batali, Michelle Obama, minimum wage, Obama, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street, One Percenters, overtime, OWS, Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York, tips
I hate to mention this but he looks like a piggy and not just because of “GYNORMUS” his weight. He has a distinct PIGGY LOOK.
So in his case if it looks like a piggy and acts like a GREEDY piggy, he is NOT a piggy BUTT, HUGE MONEY GRUBBING, SNORTING, GRUNTING FAT HOG!!
Alabama Pride on September 25, 2012 at 3:11 pm