September 28, 2012, - 4:11 pm
Sheet Metal Workers Union to Schlussel: “Jews Go to Israel! We Don’t Want You Here!”; WHAT YOU CAN DO
Yesterday, I received the unsolicited e-mail, below, from Kristine Lofquist, an openly anti-Semitic employee of the Chicago-area Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association Local Union No.73 Pension Welfare and Annuity Funds. Ms. Lofquist, a pension manager, told me that I and other Jews should go to Israel. “We don’t want you here!!” I was also told that we are the cause of Muslim savagery around the world. And all of this was done using the Union and its pension fund’s resources, e-mail, etc. I complained to Ms. Lofquist’s boss, Joseph F. Ohm, the fund administrator. Unfortunately, he refused to terminate Ms. Lofquist and would only tell me that she has been “dealt with appropriately.” She is still employed by the organization and was in the office working, today. Since she’s a pension manager, does she have anything to do with not investing in companies that do business with Israel? Count on it. Is she hesitant to invest in companies founded and or headed by Jews? Count on that, too.

Imagine if a person from this union and/or its pension fund sent an e-mail to a Black person and told them in a run-on sentence, “Please go to Africa we don’t want you here!!” Certainly, the writer of such a sentiment would be fired. But not when it’s clearly against a Jew. She calls us “right wing pro Israel nuts.” But we know what she means: JOOOOOS. (If you know the Sheet Metal Workers’ anti-Semite, Kristine Lofquist, have any information on her, and/or a photo of her I can post, please e-mail me).
From: Kristine Lofquist
Date: Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 5:24 PM
To: writedebbie@gmail.comWow –– it is the right wing pro Israel nuts like you that have caused all the Muslim backlash, you know that don’t you. Why do you live in the US if you love Israel so much????? Please go there we don’t want you here!!

Here is the BS/do-nothing response I received today from this Eva Braun wannabe’s boss, Joseph Ohm:
From: Joe Ohm
Date: Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:14 PM
Subject: RE: Anti-Semitic E-mail from Your Employee . . .
To: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.comDear Ms. Schlussel:
I am writing to follow up with you regarding the e-mail message recently sent to you by an employee in our office. The Funds are committed to equal opportunity, and strictly prohibit employees from using our computers and e-mail system for communications of this type. The e-mail message that you received was not authorized or condoned by the Funds, and does not reflect the views of the Funds or the Fund Office. The employee has been dealt with appropriately.
Thank you for calling this matter to our attention.
Joseph F. Ohm
Fund Administrator
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 73 Benefit Funds
4530 Roosevelt Road
Hillside, IL 60162
(708) 449-2120
In fact, the employee, Kristine Lofquist has NOT “been dealt with appropriately.” She still has a job and was in her office working, today. Clearly, anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel are acceptable to the Sheet Metal Workers Union and its pension fund.
Here is my response:
From: Debbie Schlussel
Date: Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: Anti-Semitic E-mail from Your Employee . . .
To: Joe Ohm johm@sm73funds.orgIf the employee still works for your organization, which appears to be the case, then she has NOT been dealt with appropriately and clearly your organization condones and sanctions anti-Semitic, anti-Israel behavior. Helen Thomas was fired from her reporting job for telling Jews to go back to Europe. If you do not fire this person–who told me Jews should go back to Israel–then, clearly, you accept this type of behavior. There should be zero tolerance for Jew-hatred.
Sadly, there appears to be, on the contrary, 100% tolerance for it. Anti-Semitism is never out of style.
You can help me by calling and e-mailing Joe Ohm and the Union officials who sit on the union’s pension fund board. Ask them why an anti-Semitic employee who scapegoats the Jews for Muslim savagery still has a job at their pension fund. Ask them why they tolerate anti-Semitism. Please contact these individuals and ask them why an anti-Semitic employee remains in their employ:
Rocco Terranova
President and Business Manager
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union No. 73
4550 Roosevelt Road
Hillside, IL 60162
Telephone: 708.449.0073Dan Ahern
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union No. 73
4550 Roosevelt Road
Hillside, IL 60162
Telephone: 708.449.0073Mike Vittorio
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union No. 73
4550 Roosevelt Road
Hillside, IL 60162
Telephone: 708.449.0073EMPLOYER TRUSTEES
John Delano
2703 Van Buren
Bellwood, IL 60104-2458John P. Harmon, Sr.
Builders Heating, Inc.
4633 West 138th Street
Crestwood, IL 60445
Telephone: 708.385.7774James S. Billard
Hill Mechanical Group
11045 Gage Avenue
Franklin Park, IL 60131
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
**** UPDATE: Reader David found Kristine Lofquist’s Facebook page. It appears that her husband is Muslim (he looks like a Pakistani or could be an Indian Muslim), and there is a picture of their son, Ehan, in a Muslim thobe outfit. Further, a birthday party shot appears to show the son with mostly Muslim kids, probably from a Muslim school. (They live in Evanston, Illinois.) Good to know that the Sheet Metal Workers are now jihadist-occupied territory, and that Jew-hater Kristine Lofquist was apparently a willing womb donor/baby factory for the jihad.
Tags: Anti-Israel, anti-Semites, anti-Semitism, Builders Heating Inc., Dan Ahern, Hill Mechanical Group, Israel, James S. Billard, Jews, Joe Ohm, John Delano, John P. Harmon Sr., Joseph F. Ohm, Joseph Ohm, Kristine Lofquist, Mike Vittorio, pensions, Rocco Terranova, Sheet Matal Workers, Sheet Metal Workers Union, Sheet Metal Workers' International Association Local Union No.73, Sheet Metal Workers' International Association Local Union No.73 Pension Welfare and Annuity Funds, Sheet Metal Workers' Local 73 Benefit Funds, Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union No. 73, SMACNA-Chicago, unions
I think you should also file a complaint with whatever entity regulates pension funds. That might stir things up.
Worry01 on September 28, 2012 at 4:15 pm