October 3, 2012, - 7:32 pm
VIDEO: They Did WHAT To Their Faces?! – Dumbest Cosmetic Surgery EVER
If this isn’t the most accurate natural selection video ever, I don’t know what is. I get the feeling that if Obama could get the government to pay for this, he would.

Check out this insanity . . .
Remember when Japanese people used to be smarter than us?
Tags: bagel, bagel head, bagelhead, forehead, funny video, Japanese, National Geographic, plastic surgery, saline, saline injection, taboo, video
This trend, along with all the tattooing and body piercing and other weird modifications are getting people ready for the brave new world of genetic modification, human cloning, chimera, cyborgs,enhanced humans,super soldiers, (All of which are off the drawing board now)and, ultimately, the mark of the beast. If people can get used to body modifications that make them look like they are no longer human, they can get used to anything. Will YOU take the mark?
RT on October 3, 2012 at 8:25 pm