October 10, 2012, - 5:07 pm
Romney: “I’ll Recommit US to Goal of Palestinian State, Fund/Arm Syrian Rebels” & Other Obama-esque BS
Tomorrow’s Paul Ryan-Joe Biden debate on foreign policy may be meaningless in terms of substance because it’s the guys at the top who make the policy. And Romney’s ever-evolving policy on the Mid-East is now cross-dressing as Barack Obama’s.
While I was away for the Jewish holiday on Monday, Mitt Romney delivered a disturbing speech on foreign policy to the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). It’s not only just like Obama foreign policy, but probably worse. And it’s definitely a far cry (and almost a 180) from his speech in Israel a few months ago, just as I said. A few readers made comments about it while I was away, but reading the full text of the speech just reconfirms everything I’ve noted over and over again on this site about Romney and his Middle East policy. It will be no different, no better than Obama’s. The only difference is that Romney will have to run for re-election, and Obama can start tightening the vise in any way he wants against Israel. Romney told VMI that he will recommit the U.S. to the goal of establishing a Palestinian State (something Obama hasn’t done much of, thankfully). He also said he’d commit gazillions of dollars to arming and aiding the Syrian Al-Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood rebels and put them in power. He committed to giving even more foreign aid to the barbaric Arab Spring “democracies” and delusionally told the audience that most Libyans want freedom and were against the terrorists that attacked our embassy (um, that was a nice PR stunt, and Romney fell for this Arabian Nights fantasy).

On Iran, Romney says only that he will impose more sanctions–the same useless, worthless, ineffective policy we’ve seen in 12 years of Obama-Bush. He also criticizes Obama for not supporting the Hezbollah-supporting Iranian “democracy protesters.” It’s the same old ignorant crap. Nothing new, and more important, nothing better.
Romney also says he will increase “cooperation” with the Arab Muslim Gulf states that continue to boycott Israel–the same states that aided and abetted the 9/11 terrorists and that, today, willingly and knowingly serve as shipping points for nuclear components headed straight to Iran. We are already sharing nuclear and other vital national security secrets with these states, per Bush and Obama agreements. How is that helpful to us? It isn’t. It’s just stupidity in the interest of future large donations to Presidential libraries.
Romney’s claim that he will attach “strings” and conditions to the foreign aid is a pipe dream. There have been such strings and conditions for decades. They are never enforced, and his administration won’t be different on this than the Bush, Obama, Clinton, and Bush administrations were before him on this. Bush didn’t stop gazillions in USAID money from going straight to Hezbollah. Don’t expect Romney (who is to Bush’s left) to do so. I found it interesting to read the supportive comments of Henry Kissinger, a Romney foreign policy adviser, praising the speech in the Wall Street Journal. This is the same Kissinger who gushed to the New York Post’s Cindy Adams that Israel won’t exist in ten years. The same Kissinger, whose major client is Saudi Arabia (and who helped negotiate Israel out of existence in the second “Transformers” movie).
Here are some of the Romney speech excerpts I found of interest (and not in a good way)–if you think ANY of these are the way to regain “respect” in the Middle East and/or stave off the Islamic threat to America, you’re a moron:
Mitt Romney’s Re-Commitment Ceremony to the Ugly Palestinian Bride . . .
I will recommit America to the goal of a democratic, prosperous Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the Jewish state of Israel. On this vital issue, the President has failed, and what should be a negotiation process has devolved into a series of heated disputes at the United Nations. In this old conflict, as in every challenge we face in the Middle East, only a new President will bring the chance to begin anew.
Mitt Romney’s Fantasy of America-loving Muslim Democrats . . .
After the attack on our Consulate, tens of thousands of Libyans, most of them young people, held a massive protest in Benghazi against the very extremists who murdered our people. They waved signs that read, “The Ambassador was Libya’s friend” and “Libya is sorry.” They chanted “No to militias.” They marched, unarmed, to the terrorist compound. Then they burned it to the ground. As one Libyan woman said, “We are not going to go from darkness to darkness.”
Reality check: even the liberal media said it was about a thousand people, not “tens of thousands.” And it was a carefully orchestrated PR move days after the attacks because the Libyan Muslim savages don’t want the gravy train from the stupid Americans who put them in power to end.
On Syria . . .
In Syria, I will work with our partners to identify and organize those members of the opposition who share our values and ensure they obtain the arms they need to defeat Assad’s tanks, helicopters, and fighter jets.
How ’bout working to stay out of it and just letting them kill each other all by themselves? Both sides have one thing in common in Syria: they are not–and NEVER will be–on our side.
On Iran . . .
I will put the leaders of Iran on notice that the United States and our friends and allies will prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. I will not hesitate to impose new sanctions on Iran, and will tighten the sanctions we currently have. I will restore the permanent presence of aircraft carrier task forces in both the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf region—and work with Israel to increase our military assistance and coordination. For the sake of peace, we must make clear to Iran through actions—not just words—that their nuclear pursuit will not be tolerated.
Huh? How does more sanctions do anything? Or putting aircraft carriers there? Sanctions don’t work. We’ve seen that for 12 years. We saw it in Iraq for years before that. Our military presence in the region isn’t new either. And, that, too, won’t stop–and hasn’t stopped–Iran from developing nukes. This is just more Obama stuff.
The only sensible thing Romney said in this speech was that he would roll back Obama’s cuts to our military. But that’s not enough. In fact, if he’s going to simultaneously pursue the same old liberal, Arab Spring, Palestinian State, throw money and arms at them crap, it counteracts any restoration of our military.
I’ve said before that I will very reluctantly vote for Romney (and hate myself for it), but I really feel that on the important national security issues–immigration and foreign policy, I basically have a choice between tan Obama and White Obama. This speech only reinforces that sad reality.

Tags: Barack Obama, foreign policy, Gulf States, Henry Kissinger, Henry Kissinger Israel, Iran, Islam, Islamic threat, Israel, Middle East, Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney Israel, Mitt Romney Middle East, Muslim, Muslim world, Palestinian State, Syria, Virginia Military Institute, VMI
Meanwhile, Nobama is starting up war so he can tell voters that we are unable to change “leadership” at such a critical juncture….
Crisis of leadership…
As goes Israel, so goes the World... on October 10, 2012 at 5:24 pm