November 15, 2012, - 2:05 pm
EXCLUSIVE: Obama Pays $175K to ICE Agent to Cover Up Janet Napolitano Sex Harassment – Homeland Paycheck Security
How much will Barack Obama pay to keep details of Janet Napolitano’s discrimination against straight male agents at the Department of Homeland Security a secret? $175,000. How much will Obama pay to keep details of Napolitano’s hand-picked Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ex-Chief of Staff Suzanne Barr’s sexual harassment of dozens of male agents a secret? $175,000. has learned that today the US government agreed to settle the lawsuit filed by James T. Hayes, the Department of Homeland Security’s top New York cop, for $175,000. A court filing, posted below, just made announces the amount.
Click on the image to see the whole thing . . .

Cha-Ching: Barack Obama Just Gave NY ICE Special Agent in Charge Jim Hayes (top left) $175K to Put the Kabosh on Info About Homeland Security Chief Napolitano’s Anti-Straight Discrimination in Favor of J-No Girlfriend Dora Schriro (bottom right) & Napolitano’s Crony ex-ICE Chief of Staff Suzanne Barr’s Sexual Harrassment
I told you, last week, that the biggest winner in Barack Obama’s re-election, other than Barack Obama, was Hayes, and that the lawsuit would be quickly settled. And I was right. broke the story, months ago, about Hayes, ICE Special Agent in Charge for New York City, and the lawsuit he filed against Napolitano. As I told you, it would be very embarrassing to Barack Obama to have Napolitano and her lesbian girlfriend, Dora Schriro, deposed, along with disgraced former ICE Chief of Staff Suzy Barr. That the Obama administration was willing to pay $175,000 to keep this from happening is pretty clear evidence of the lengths to which Barack Obama is willing to go to cover up embarrassing details of the top people he hires, including the woman who is supposed to be protecting America from terrorists, and is instead protecting gay and lesbian paramours and female sexual harassers.
You heard a lot from Barack Obama about the Republican Party’s alleged “war on women.” But Barack Obama uses your money to keep the lid on media attention about his “war on men.”
I can tell you that there are many other ICE agents who will be sorry they didn’t file such a lawsuit, and since the statute of limitations hasn’t run out yet for most of Suzy “Stripper Pole” Barr’s and Janet Napolitano’s victims, this settlement may open the floodgates for a lot of similar other lawsuits.
Given this development, I don’t think Barack Obama will ever nominate Janet Napolitano for anything else, including–as it was rumored–Attorney General. That would be pretty stupid, since the settlement can’t prevent Senators and Congressmen from calling Jim Hayes and other ICE agents as witnesses against “The Lesbionic Woman.”
Artwork by David Lunde/Lundesigns
Tags: Department of Homeland Security, DHS, Homeland Security, ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, James T. Hayes, Janet Napolitano, Jim Hayes, lawsuit, settlement, Suzanne Barr
From what I’m reading, there is surely a group of ICE-men willing to make some extra bank from Bam-Bam Obama.
Hell, I might consider a lawsuit of my own – God knows I need the cash.
Show me the money, Mr Prez!
The Reverend Jacques on November 15, 2012 at 2:15 pm