November 23, 2012, - 1:39 pm
FUNNY (& Sad) VIDEO: It’s Black Friday, Charlie Brown
Okay, so it’s not as much funny as it is accurate and sadly true commentary on how so many–primarily the lumpenproletariat–Americans act on Black Friday or as I like to call it, “Diverse Complexion Friday” or “Obama Electorate Friday,” spurred on by stores who have limited quantity doorbusters, etc.
Do you do Black Friday (or, these days, also Black or Grey Thursday)? Why or why not? If so, what was the best deal you got? I’ve done Black Friday in the past, but it was never worth it. Not even close. It used to be fun . . . in the days when stores like Wal-Mart and Best Buy and Kmart had plenty of doorbuster items to go around and you could just show up when they opened, knowing you’d get yours. Now it’s mayhem and camping out all night and fighting. Craziness. I don’t get the people who do this.
And as I’ve written before, it’s just another sign of why our jobs and manufacturing are gone from America. We want cheap stuff and don’t want to make it. We’ve become a consumer society to our doom. As I’ve said before, Black Friday killed America.

Tags: Black Friday, Charlie Brown, funny video, It's Black Friday Charlie Brown, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel Live, video
Hey Debbie — I agree with you on your estimation of Black Friday, but I have to say that the first couple Black Fridays I went shopping it was kind of fun. Quite a few years ago (my daughter was little) and I would get to Walmart at about 4:40 a.m. (back then they didn’t open until 5 a.m.). I’d wander through and collect a few toys and a couple household items (like a thermos or a new iron) and check out and be back home by 6:30 a.m. Then, a couple years ago, I finally had $200 for a doorbuster (tv) and I got there and found out you were supposed to line up hours ahead of time to get a ticket for the doorbuster item (of which there were a very limited quantity). Never again — no thanks. Oh, by the way — the people I was around behaved very well (I live in Minnesota).
MomInMinnesota on November 21, 2012 at 2:49 pm