November 27, 2012, - 2:40 pm
Major Hungarian Politico (& Obama Fan) Demands “List of Jews,” Jews Are “Natl Security Risk” – Holocaust 2.0
Hmmm . . . Obama supporter – Check! Grew Up in the Muslim Mid-East – Check! Denies the Holocaust – Check! Compares Israel to Nazis – Check! Hates Jews and says they are a national security risk to Hungary – Check, Check, Check! And he’s a leading politician in Hungary. Welcome to Holocaust 2.0.
As I’ve noted on this site many times, Europe never became less anti-Semitic after the Holocaust. It merely had a hudna (Arabic for “ceasefire,” also means a “resting period” before the relaunch), just like HAMAS’ recent phony hudna. And, now, Marton Gyongyosi, who leads Jobbik, Hungary’s third strongest political party is demanding a list of Jews, claiming they are a national security risk. We’re reminded, yet again, why so many Hungarian Jews were murdered in the Holocaust and why the ones who survived didn’t return to Hungary.

News reports are trying to dismiss Gyongyosi as “far right,” but he is actually pretty mainstream in Hungary, and he got his anti-Semitic views from growing up in the Muslim Middle East, where his father was a diplomat. Gyongyosi was also a strong supporter of Barack Obama, according to Politics.Hu (“Hungary’s non-partisan international daily”), but lamented that Obama will not “escape the clutches of the Zionist lobby.” Gyongyosi is a Holocaust-denier with a record of comparing Israel and Jews to the Nazis.
This isn’t about left or right, neither of which has cornered the market on anti-Semitism. Plenty on the left in Europe are just as fervent in their Jew-hatred. Don’t forget how Lech Walesa, once Poland’s President and still a very revered Polish figure, constantly engaged in anti-Semitism and Jew-baiting to garner support and win elections. This stuff is endemic.
A Hungarian far-right politician urged the government to draw up lists of Jews who pose a “national security risk”, stirring outrage among Jewish leaders who saw echoes of fascist policies that led to the Holocaust.
Marton Gyongyosi, a leader of Hungary’s third-strongest political party Jobbik, said the list was necessary because of heightened tensions following the brief conflict in Gaza and should include members of parliament.
Opponents have condemned frequent anti-Semitic slurs and tough rhetoric against the Roma minority by Gyongyosi’s party as populist point scoring ahead of elections in 2014. . . .
Between 500,000 and 600,000 Hungarian Jews died in the Holocaust, according to the Holocaust Memorial Centre in Budapest. According to some accounts, one in three Jews killed in Auschwitz were Hungarian nationals.
Gyongyosi’s call came after Foreign Ministry State Secretary Zsolt Nemeth said Budapest favored a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as benefiting both Israelis with Hungarian ancestry, Hungarian Jews and Palestinians in Hungary.
Gyongyosi, who leads Jobbik’s foreign policy cabinet, told Parliament: “I know how many people with Hungarian ancestry live in Israel, and how many Israeli Jews live in Hungary,” according to a video posted on Jobbik’s website late on Monday.
“I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian Parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary.”
Gyongyosi, 35, is the son of a diplomat who grew up mostly in the Middle East and Asia — Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan and India — and whose office is decorated by Iranian and Turkish souvenirs. He graduated with a degree in business and political science from Trinity College in Dublin in 2000. . . . Jobbik registered as a political party in 2003, and gained increasing influence as it radicalized gradually, vilifying Jews and the country’s 700,000 Roma.
Well, he “learned” a lot growing up in the Muslim Mid-East. The Hitler-Grand Mufti of Jerusalem partnership may be dead. But the alliance between European Jew-haters and Muslim Jew-haters is ever increasing.
Tags: anti-Semites, anti-Semtism, Barack Obama, Holocaust, Hungary, Islam, Jew-hatred, Jews, Jobbik, Marton Gyongyosi, Obama
We will soon get our own Gyongyosi, his name is Rand Paul, a somewhat slicker repackaging of his Jew-hating, Arab Muslim/Iran-loving, conspiracy nutcase cult leader daddy.
Adam on November 27, 2012 at 2:53 pm