December 17, 2012, - 11:32 am
Responding to CT Shooting, Dearbornistan Muslima Gun Control Activist Tweets, “N-ggers Shouldn’t Have License [sic]”
Donya Berry Paniccia is a devout Shi’ite Muslim resident of Dearbornistan who hails from the prominent Hezbollah Berry family. Her relative, Nabih Berri, is the Hezbollah-backed speaker of the Lebanese Parliament who heads Harakat Amal, the Shi’ite Amal militia terrorist group. And Ms. Berry, who supports gun control in the wake of Friday’s mass murder shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, also has another “solution” to the world’s problems: take licenses away from Black people, or, in her preferred vernacular, “N-ggers.” (Oh, and she also hates Jews like me, as she’s made clear.)

Donya Berry Paniccia: Dearbornistan Muslima Gun Control Activist Says “N-ggers Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Have Their License [sic]”
I’ve long written on this site about the racism against Black people throughout the Muslim world–in which Blacks are derogatorily referred to as “abeed” (Arabic for “slaves” but used as the N-word–“abed” is singular, or “slave”), and that includes throughout the Islamic world in the U.S. This is just another manifestation of it, as Ms. Berry so “eloquently” stated on Twitter (follow me on Twitter):

I’ve included some more of Ms. Paniccia’s stupid and disgusting tweets, below. If you’re wondering why she now has an Italian surname, it’s because some moron named Giulio Paniccia married her (and likely converted to Islam and agreed to raise their kids, including daughter Sofia, as Shi’ite Muslims). Now, her daughter, Sofia Paniccia, will learn this hatred for Black people and Jews. . . just like mommy.
But, hey, mommy supports gun control and is Muslim, so it’s okay, right?

Hmmm . . . says a lot about who Bill Maher’s fans are, as well as who the fans of gun control are. (The “stop acting like you care” tweet is in response to my heartfelt tweet Friday about the Connecticut victims and their families but that this shouldn’t be used as an excuse for more gun control.)
There’s a reason that racists and Jew-haters support gun control. They don’t want people like me and you to be able to defend ourselves against them and their ilk when they come to violently attack us. It’s just that simple. It’s the same reason the Muslim world opposed a Strategic Defense Initiative (a shield against nuclear missiles) for the U.S., and Israel’s Iron Dome.
They want to be able to overpower us and for us to be defenseless when their racism and hatred goes to its predictable natural progression beyond Twitter.
**** UPDATE, 5:22 p.m.: Donya Berry Paniccia removed the tweet, but it’s saved above for posterity. Someone in the Muslim community must’ve told her, “Hey, we can say that about Black people in private. Otherwise it makes people see the real Islam, and we don’t want that.” But FYI, Ms. Berry Paniccia just commented on this post a few times to, um, “clarify” the tweet she admittedly made:
By the way ditz, I was referring to black people’s drivers license nothing about guns!
Donya, hey, thanks for clarifying for us that your racism extends only to Blacks and driving, not Blacks and shooting, but that your use of the N-word extends to all Blacks whether shooting or driving. That makes it soooo much better. And you soooo much less of a racist.
Methinks the ditz is in her mirror.
Tags: 2nd Amendment, Amal, Berry Family, Blacks, Connecticut Shooting, Dearborn, Dearbornistan, Donya Berry, Donya Berry Paniccia, Donya Paniccia, Giulio Paniccia, gun control, Hezbollah, Islamic racism, Muslim racism, Nabih Berri, Racism, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Sandy Hook shooting, Second Amendment, Sofia Paniccia
Happily married frankz but thanks!
Donya Paniccia on December 19, 2012 at 9:50 pm