January 10, 2013, - 6:13 pm
Oscar Nominated Israeli Director: Rabbis Are “Biggest Threat,” “Israel Doesn’t Want Peace,” Settlements “Illegal”
**** UPDATE: SECOND Anti-Israel Film (By Israeli Draft-Dodger) Gets Oscar Nom ****
Today, the Oscar nominations were announced, and in the category of Documentary, the Israeli film, “The Gatekeepers,” was nominated and will probably win the Academy Award. That’s because it’s a self-hating anti-war, anti-Israel movie made by Israeli leftist, Dror Moreh. As I always say, the most anti-Israel, anti-Semitic movies are made in Israel by Jews. If you think the Hollywood left is bad, you haven’t met the Israeli Tel Aviv Hollywood left.

“The Gatekeepers” is a so-called documentary featuring interviews with the six former heads of the Shin Bet, which is Israel’s version of the FBI mixed with some CIA. While some of them are well-known disgruntled leftists, others’ interviews were edited–by Moreh’s own proud declaration–to fit Moreh’s rabidly anti-Israel political views (as he notes in the video below). The director says he fashioned the movie on Errol Morris’ “The Fog of War,” an anti-war documentary featuring interviews with Robert McNamara, the Defense Secretary who screwed up the Vietnam War when we were winning and got more Americans killed. Ironically, Moreh’s surname means “teacher” in Hebrew, but the only thing I learned after listening to a half hour of this schmuck’s blather, in the video below, is what self-hating, anti-Semitic scumbags some Israeli Jews can be, and I already knew that. I’ve written about it repeatedly on this site.
In over a half hour of idiotic naval gazing ramblings, Moreh told fellow self-hating Jewish moron, David Poland, that the only reason there is no peace in the Middle East is that, “We (Israel) don’t want peace. If we would have want [sic] peace, peace would’ve been there” (at about 10 minutes into the video). Yup, those terrorist attacks by HAMAS and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades only happened because of Israel. It’s all the JOOOS’ fault that the Fogel family was murdered in cold blood while they slept by Palestinian Muslims. He also went on to say that “the most dangerous people” are “rabbis.” Not HAMAS, not Hezbollah, not Islamic jihad, but rabbis. Only a completely blind, deaf, and dumb Israeli–or one with the same hatred for Jews as the Nazis had and Muslims have always had–would make such moronic, absurd, and patently false statements. And yet his movie was financed by the government of Israel, because not a single Israeli Prime Minister has had the tiniest set of cojones necessary to shut down the government’s film grants to these Jewish in Name Only self-styled mini Bin Ladens.
Another completely misinformed statement by this shmuck: “The biggest problem now to the peace process is [sic] the settlements. The biggest problem!” Uh-huh, not the fact that the Palestinians all continue to endorse, embrace, and perpetrate Islamic terrorism and the end of all of Israel. Moreh claims the settlements are “illegal.” But, in fact, U.N. negotiator Eugene V. Rostow specifically said that he made sure the settlements were NOT illegal under the U.N. Resolutions–242 and 338–that he negotiated. He noted this in, “Resolved: Are the Settlements Legal?” published in The New Republic, in October, 1991. (Many more sources on the legality of Israeli settlements at My Right Word.) This Hebrew-speaking idiot, Moreh, just doesn’t know anything.
And that is why he is the toast of mainstream media movie critics–almost all of them liberals–everywhere and all of the most prestigious film festivals, including Sundance and Toronto. It is also why his tripe on film is an Oscar nominee and will probably win. It’s rare, anymore, that Hollywood actually gives awards to the truly good stuff (and almost as rare when it actually makes any good stuff). It’s all about left-wing politics and diatribes, including the self-hating anti-Semitic, anti-Israel drivel of people like Dror Moreh, who make high quality HAMAS cinema.
If Dror Moreh were alive in 1941 Auschwitz, he’d be an Uber-Kapo, shoving Jews into the ovens to please the Nazis. But since that job isn’t available to him today, he’s chosen another avenue to burn the Jews to ashes. (I also blame the former Shin Bet leaders, who all knew better, but appeared in his propaganda movie anyway. They sold Israel down the river.)
And, so, it’s a good bet that Clooney and Redgrave and the other pieces of crap who vote for the Oscars will be voting his way.
Who needs HAMAS studios, when you have Dror Moreh productions? Leni Riefenstahl would be proud.
Watch the trailer . . .
Tags: Academy Awards, Anti-Israel, anti-Israel Jews, anti-Israel movies, anti-Semitic, anti-Semitic Jews, anti-Semitic movies, Anti-War, David Poland, docu-fakeries, documentaries, Dror Moreh, Eugene V. Rostow, fake-umentaries, Islamic Terrorism, Israel, Israeli settlements, Jewish anti-Semites, Jewish settlements, Jews, Movie Reviews, Oscar-nominated Israeli director, Oscars, Palestinians, Peace, rabbis, Self-hating Jews, settlements, Shin Bet, The Gatekeepers
17% of Israelis are leftists but since that figure includes Arabs, the total number of leftist Jews in Israel is somewhere around 10%.
But its not their numbers that matter even though they’re a fringe in Israeli Jewish society and leftist political parties have little real appeal there.
Their importance is the prominence of Dror Moreh and other leftists like him. What they lack in public support in Israel they more than make up in their influence abroad.
NormanF on January 10, 2013 at 6:24 pm