February 11, 2013, - 4:14 pm
SICKEST Valentine’s Day Event – Your Tax $s @ Work
Is watching animals have sex and learning how they “do it” your idea of romance? If it is, you have something in common with the sickos who run the Detroit Zoo and would probably enjoy their bizarre and creepy dinner event, Thursday Night focusing on animal sex.

As you know–unless you’ve avoided every single store, TV ad, and other non-stop promotions of the day–Thursday is male DREAD (Doghouse Risk Extra-Avoidance Day) or as the rest of America calls it, “Valentine’s Day.” And while most American men are rushing to CVS or Walgreen’s after work on that day, trying to find a box of chocolates and a card, so they aren’t henpecked and kicked to the curb for not abiding by this silly corporate-created obligation, some men in the Detroit area will apparently be taking their significant others to the Detroit Zoo’s sold out “Love Gone Wild” event for an “intimate look” at how the Detroit Zoo animals have sex. Your tax dollars at work:
Birds do it. Bees do it. Find out how animals at the Detroit Zoo do it at Love Gone Wild on Thursday, February 14, 2013, 6:30-10 p.m. Open to both singles and sweethearts, this memorable Valentine’s Day event will offer a candid and entertaining look at how zoo animals do the “wild thing”. The evening will include an intimate and revealing look into the “dating” and mating escapades of the zoo’s animals.
I have to admit that most items on the the $75 per person dinner menu sound delicious, but the finest gourmet cuisine doesn’t make the people who pay to go to this thing on Valentine’s Day (or any day) any less perverted and creepy. On top of that, it’s kind of hypocritical for a place that bills itself as a family destination to host this twisted stuff.
The Detroit Zoo, which is constantly struggling financially, is paid for by local taxes, but also gets a number of grants from local, state, and federal governments, to the tune of over $12 million in government grant money, according to the zoo’s latest tax forms. The zoo also spent nearly $1.5 million on lobbying, each of the last four years. Was bestiality marriage equality among the lobbying efforts?
I also note that one of the zoo’s “Directors” is Hassan Jaber, the anti-Israel Palestinian Muslim who heads the Muslim-dominated, pro-Hezbollah/HAMAS Arab welfare agency, ACCESS–the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, which aids and abets Muslim illegal aliens in coming to America and stay here, living on entitlements. (The multi-million dollar tax-funded ACCESS also spent thousands in job training on the Detroit Terror Cell members.) Apparently, Mr. Jaber had no prob with this “animal sex” event.
Hey, more of that “Islamic modesty” President Bush and Jeff Jacoby were constantly lecturing us about.
And most of the directors on the zoo’s board are also Obamabots.
Chick #1: What did you and your husband do for Valentine’s Day?
Chick #2: We went to the animal sex dinner at the Detroit Zoo.
The people who like this stuff have a screw loose (and they probably liked that dumb song about the Discovery Channel, too). Love Gone Wild . . . or tax-paid zoo administrators’ sick minds gone wild? I vote the latter.
Yeah, I know–I’m the backward, closed-minded reactionary “living in the ’50s” because I don’t think an animal sex dinner held by a public institution is cool. That’s the typical response in this era of ObamaCare, illegal alien mass amnesty, gay marriage, women in combat, and Jay-Z and Ludacris at the White House.
Maybe, next year, for Valentine’s Day, the zoo can show animal snuff films . . . or something. Since this is the second year in a row the Detroit Zoo is hosting this warped event, it’s time to up the game, right?
**** UPDATE: Reader “dograt” says the Detroit Zoo animal sex banquet reminds him of this sketch from “The State”:
Yup, exactly the kind of high quality people you’d see at this event.

Tags: ACCESS, Animal sex, Detroit Zoo, DREAD, Hassan Jaber, Love Gone Wild, Valentine's Day
I’m surprised the next stop on the tour isn’t the state prison to learn about the sex going on there. I bet this is popular with the folks from Dearbornistan hoping they can see some goat and sheep love. In an era of bizarre news stories, this one tops it, at least for today, or maybe fifteen minutes.
RT on February 11, 2013 at 4:26 pm