February 13, 2013, - 5:11 pm
Remember Ilan Halimi: Tortured to Death by French Muslim Gang for Being Jewish
Seven years ago today, on February 13, 2006, Ilan Halimi, a 17-year-old French Jew, died after he was dumped on railroad tracks by a Muslim gang. He could no longer survive after his fingers and toes were cut off, he was repeatedly stabbed, his testicles were repeatedly beaten, his flesh, including his face, was subject to the flames of lighters and cigarette burns, and he was forced to endure other such torture. While he was still alive, his kidnapper-murderers called his parents on his cellphone and made them listen to his pained screams. His crime: he was a Jew. As federal elected officials from both parties get ready to foist upon us a “path to citizenship” and amnesty for 30 million aliens, ask yourself how many of those are no different than the Muslim immigrants who brutally murdered Ilan Halimi.

The answer: far too many. What happened to Ilan Halimi could happen here. It will happen here. It’s already happened here, though not in the exact characteristics. But we know that Fort Hood happened here at the hands of a Muslim Palestinian immigrant who was raised here and given every break, with even his medical school education funded by America. We know that the New York Times bombing nearly happened here at the hands of a Muslim Pakistani immigrant. And we know that 9/11 happened here at the hands of 19 Muslim immigrants. Some of them were here legally. None of them had any sense of the “American dream” Marco Rubio told us, last night, that immigrants have. All of them, though, had a jihadist dream which they tried hard to realize. Sadly, some of them were successful.
Ilan Halimi’s family, like many Jews in France, came from an Arab Muslim nation in North Africa. They came to France to escape the persecution of Arab Muslims and their hatred for Jews. Unfortunately, an escape to a Western nation is no longer a shield from that. That includes the United States.
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
On January 21, 2006, Ilan Halimi was kidnapped by the Gang des Barbares (the Gang of Barbarians), a Muslim gang in Paris-area housing projects of Bagneux. For three weeks, they tortured Halimi, while fellow Muslim residents heard his cries and screams and said nothing, did nothing. It was “see no evil, hear no evil” for the Muslim residents of the projects as 19 kidnappers went in and out of the apartment and repeatedly tortured Halimi. The gang was headed by Youssouf Fofana, the son of Muslim immigrants from the Ivory Coast. It included Iranian Muslim Sorour Arbabzadeh, one of three women who lured Halimi to his kidnapping, torture, and ultimate death.
When Halimi’s naked body was found on the railroad tracks, 80% of it was covered in acid and gasoline burns and he had multiple broken bones. They apparently tried to burn him to death, but he survived . . . barely. He died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
As I told you seven years ago, just after this tragedy happened, the Muslim torturer/murderers were linked to HAMAS, and news reports noted this:
Items found in the torture chamber included extremist Islamic literature and leaflets of a pro-Palestinian charity blacklisted by the United States and Israel. The charity, the Comite de Bienfaisance et de Soutien aux Palestiniens (CBSP), a Hamas-affiliated fund, is still active in France, despite the exposure of its members and financial support tying it directly to terrorist activities in the Palestinian Authority.
Halimi was not the only Jew targeted by the Gang Des Barbares. In Febrauary 2008, Mathieu Roumi, was kidnapped by the gang and told he would die like Halimi. They tortured him for hours and wrote “Dirty Jew” on his forehead using correction fluid.
Again, the lesson here is not just that Muslims–when they reach critical mass, as they have in France–cannot live peacefully with others. It’s that it can happen anywhere and that Western Muslims are no different than Muslims anywhere else. Borders are without meaning to them. And they can–and they will–do this here.
As I noted, Ilan Halimi’s family fled North Africa’s Arab Muslim world to escape this kind of thing. But now, with unlimited immigration and open borders–and with illegal alien amnesty, they cannot escape that.
And neither can we.
Regarding the murder of Ilan Halimi, I wish I could say, as they do about the Holocaust, “Never again.”
But it will happen again because no one in the West has the guts and the basic courage to secure our borders and deport the invaders who are here illegally.
Ilan Halimi, Zichrono LiVrachah [Of Blessed Memory].
Tags: amnesty, anti-Semitism, Bagneux, CBSP, Comite de Bienfaisance et de Soutien aux Palestiniens, Comite de Bienfaisance et de Soutien aux Palestiniens (CBSP), France, Gang Des Barbares, Gang of Barbarians, Hamas, Ilan Halimi, Immigration, Islam, Jews, Jihad, Paris, Sorour Arbabzadeh, Youssouf Fofana
“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out– because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out– because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out– because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out– because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me– and there was no one left to speak out for me.”
Thanks for speaking out Debbie
ebayer on February 13, 2013 at 5:41 pm