March 12, 2013, - 3:39 pm
DISGUSTING: US Magazine Promotes Threesome Sex, Crime, Drugs to 12 Year Olds
I’ve always said that Americans do more to destroy our country–through the culture wars–than anything Islamic terrorists could ever hope to do to us. And so it goes with “Seventeen Magazine,” the movie “Spring Breakers,” and its teen stars. Below is the “Red Band” trailer (meaning it has the explicit stuff from a movie, which is normally cut out of trailers) for the movie “Spring Breakers.” But even the Red Band trailer doesn’t show the raunch of this flick. The violent, explicit movie features young stars like Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens from “High School Musical” engaged in nudity, having threesome sex, doing drugs and alcohol, and robbing banks. And Seventeen Magazine, which is aimed at 12-year-old girls, is promoting the movie to America’s young tweens. (Nobody 17 actually reads “Seventeen,” as by then, girls have long outgrown it.)
The April cover of Seventeen features Ashley Benson, a star of the movie, posing with an American flag sewn on her crotch. That’s offensive enough. But the magazine cover also urges the 12-year-olds who read it to learn about “Her Edgy New Movie,” which is going to make them want to see it, too. And perhaps emulate it. The movie is R-Rated, which means no one in the Seventeen mag reading audience should be able to see it. So why is the magazine promoting and glamorizing the damaging behavior in the movie?
Benson tells Seventeen:
We all came from a Disney background, and this was different from anything we’ve done. But we wanted to prove that we’re not just girls who play happy parts. It was such a crazy experience and it was character-building.
Uh-huh, because being a slut, doing drugs, and robbing banks at gunpoint is sooooooo “character-building.” Yup, that’s the ticket. Nauseating.

Star Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber’s ex-girlfriend, was born to her single mother when her mother was just 15 years old. And apparently her mother never learned to be anything more than a womb donor and a “best friend” to her meal-ticket spawn. Now her daughter wants to promote the same kind of behavior to the rest of America through this very apparently crappy movie. Just terrific.
And you wonder why so many American kids are having sex at ever earlier ages and having kids. Yay! Future government dependents and Democratic party voters!
Tags: Ashley Benson, James Franco, Movie Reviews, Selena Gomez, Selena Gomez mom, Selena Gomez mother, Seventeen, Seventeen Magazine, sex for 12-year-olds, Spring Breakers, threesomes, Vanessa Hudgens
It is time to throw perverts who seek the under aged into Jail or a grave!
Jon K Martin on March 12, 2013 at 3:57 pm