March 21, 2013, - 2:30 pm
Alhamdillulllah [Praise Allah]: “Dark Knight” Murderer James Holmes Converted to Islam
Last summer, when James Holmes murdered 12 people and seriously injured 58 others at a Batman “Dark Knight” screening in Aurora, Colorado, I got a number of nasty e-mails, tweets on Twitter, and Facebook comments from Muslims who were proud to proclaim that Holmes was not a Muslim, even though I never accused him of being one. On the other hand, Muslims believe that we are all supposed to be Muslim or have a Muslim soul or some other sort of halal baloney. And, so, perhaps it’s fitting that James Holmes has “reverted.” Yup, the Dark Knight jihadist has converted to Islam in prison.

So what if the jihad came first and the “reversion” to Islam came second? The important thing is that he was doing allah’s work in murdering the infidel who displayed such immodest decadence as to attend a superhero movie, right? Oh, and how do we really know that Holmes wasn’t already looking into Islam BEFORE his Dark Knight massacre? We don’t, and I doubt the mainstream media would tell us. We only know about this conversion to Islam because the National Enquirer reported it. Otherwise, it would probably remain under wraps.
In any event, I guess Islam has come full circle, as the late Osama Bin Laden’s late guru/respected Islamic scholar, Sayyid Qutb, justified his hatred for America and inspiration for jihad with his disdain for Americans who “mixed-danced” in Greeley, Colorado in the ’50s. Now it’s the Western decadence of Batman . . . and Robin.
James Holmes, the gunman behind the Dark Knight massacre in Colorado last July, has reportedly turned Muslim and prays five times a day. The killer showed off a lengthy, thick beard during a court appearance earlier this month, and a prison source has claimed it is a symbol of his new-found faith. The source said Holmes has turned to Islam as a way of justifying his horrific murder spree in an Aurora, Colorado cinema on July 20 which left 12 people dead and 58 people wounded.
He has brainwashed himself into believing he was on his own personal jihad and that his victims were infidels,’ a prison source told the National Enquirer.
Um, no, Islam brainwashes people into believing that.
He now prays five times a day, sticks to a strict Muslim diet and spends hours each day studying the Qur’an, the source said.
The Daily Mail and National Enquirer want to make sure you know that fellow Muslim prisoners in the Arapahoe County Jail don’t want Holmes associated with Islam, which is interesting, because Holmes may end up in Supermax, the nearby Colorado facility where Muslims–who’ve killed or tried to kill more Americans than he did–reside.
I’m sure the Shoe Bomber and the Blind Sheikh wouldn’t mind having Holmes as a cellmate . . . and new halal girlfriend.
Tags: Batman Killer, Batman massacre, Colorado, Dark Knight Massacre, Dark Knight Massacre Islam, Islam, islamic converts, Islamic reverts, Islamic terrorists, James Holmes, James Holmes Muslim, Jihad
[From the article Debbie included – The source said Holmes has turned to Islam as a way of justifying his horrific murder spree in an Aurora, Colorado cinema on July 20 which left 12 people dead and 58 people wounded.]
On second thought that actually justifies and confirms what Debbie wrote.
I_AM_ME on March 21, 2013 at 2:54 pm