May 16, 2013, - 1:00 pm
Angelina Jolie’s BRCA Gene Mutation Means Anti-Israel Actress Likely Has Jewish Roots; Heroine? ObamaCare Won’t Cover Gene Test
For years, I’ve written about actress Angelina Jolie’s anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian, pan-Arabist activities, and now I know why she hates Israel and the Jews so much: she likely comes from Jewish ancestors. Jolie’s recent disclosure that she had the BRCA1 gene mutation linked to breast, ovarian, and other cancers is common in Ashkenazic Jews (Jews of European descent). And since Ashkenazic Jews–or those who descend from them–are more likely to have a BRCA mutation (one in forty of them have it), it’s also likely that one or more of Jolie’s ancestors were Ashkenazic Jews. (Even though Jolie’s mother, Marcia Lynne “Marcheline” Bertrand, died ovarian cancer, it is possible that both of Jolie’s parents had Jewish ancestors.)

Several years ago on this site, I noted news reports of a study showing that American Hispanic women were also more likely to have the BRCA1 gene mutation. I surmised that this was probably because many of them likely had Jewish ancestors (who were forcibly converted away from Judaism in the Inquisition or otherwise intermarried and were lost to Judaism). Later, when I read the study, I saw that the medical researchers came to the same conclusion about the likely Jewish heritage of these Hispanic women with the gene mutation (although most Spanish Jews tended to be Sephardic Jews (Sephardic literally means “Spanish”), not Ashkenazic Jews in whom the gene is more common). Since I wrote about that, I’ve heard from many Mexican-American women whose mothers and grandmothers had breast cancer and discovered Jewish roots.
Angelina Jolie at anti-American, anti-Semitic, pro-HAMAS Arab Children’s Conference Hate-Fest in Jordan, 2004
Anti-Israel Palestina Jolie and Jordanian Queen Noor Exchange Wet Kiss at Arab Children’s Conference Hate-Fest, 2004
As I’ve noted over the years, Jolie has shown her hatred for Israel and the Jews in spades in a way–now, I get it!–that is usually only displayed by self-hating, anti-Semitic Jews. Jolie wrote about how she clapped with and cheered on Palestinian Muslim “refugee” children in Jordan as they sang, “We will take our revenge” on the Jews (ie., by murdering them), and, “We will take back” Jerusalem (through war and Islamic terrorism). Jolie called this experience “very moving.” Yes, there is a reason I call Angie Voight, “Palestina Jolie” (though I’ve also called her, “Skankelina”).
She has visited almost every Arab Muslim country in the Middle East. The one place where she has never and will never visit is Israel, despite the fact that her (still estranged?) father, Jon Voight (who is very pro-Israel) has asked her to join him on a trip there. She did say, however, that one day she will “visit Palestine.” Jolie has defaced herself with Arabic tattoos, and for a time, she looked into adopting a child from HAMAS Gazastan.
And, now, her disclosure that she is afflicted by the BRCA gene mutation explains it all. She’s–at least, ancestrally–likely a self-hating Jew.
And is she really heroic, as the chorus of gushing mainstream media groupthink talking points declares? I’m not so sure. Her own move was designed to save her life. And as for publicizing it? Most other women who might be at high risk for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations cannot afford to take the gene test she did. The cost is nearly $3,500 and not always covered by insurance. And not all insurers will cover a double mastectomy before cancer appears and the preventative properties are gone. Then, there is the question of whether the insurer will cover the best of plastic surgery for lifelike reconstruction. Under Obamacare–and Jolie was a big supporter of Barack Obama–the likelihood that insurance will cover any of this will shrink significantly.
Too bad Jolie didn’t speak out about any of that. It was all, per usual, about “me, me, me . . . and my partner Brad Pitt.” Oh, and about the precious children of “Palestine” who need to get their “revenge” on the Jews.
Tags: Angelina Jolie, Angelina Jolie anti-Israel, Angelina Jolie BRCA, Angelina Jolie cancer, Angelina Jolie double mastectomy, Angelina Jolie Israel, Angelina Jolie Jew, Angelina Jolie Jewish, Angelina Jolie Jewish gene, Angelina Jolie mastectomy, Angelina Jolie Palestinians, Ashkenazic Jews, BRCA, BRCA gene, BRCA gene test, BRCA1, BRCA1 gene mutation, BRCA1 gene mutation test, BRCA2, Israel, Jews, Jon Voight, Marcheline Bertrand, Marcia Lynne "Marcheline" Bertrand, obamacare, Palestina Jolie
This woman is totally nuts!
And, a desperate pathetic lost soul…
As goes Israel, so goes the World... on May 16, 2013 at 1:23 pm