May 16, 2013, - 3:00 pm
VIDEO: McCain’s, Obama’s Precious Syrian Rebels Cut Out Soldier’s Heart & Liver, Eat Them
Hey, let’s hear it for those “democratic,” “freedom fighting,” “liberal” Syrian Al-Qaeda rebels! I mean, who cares if they cut out their enemies’ hearts and eat them. Who are we to judge the cannibalistic “halal” lifestyle of others? Oh, and did I mention that the guy who eats the heart of the man he just killed says–along with his fellow Syrian rebel “democrats,” “Allahu Snackbar”? (Actually he says the other phrase–the one that jihadists and all Muslims say to let you know that their “god” is greater than yours or mine.)

Our Preferred Syrian Islamic Cannibal Terrorists v. the Assad Syrian Islamic Terrorists
Remember . . .
(This first video, below, is a CNN pixelated, blurry version and a discussion of it by a Muslim reporter. You need not worry about the graphic nature. The actual video without pixelation is the second video, later in this post.)
The ghastly video shows how barbaric the Syrian civil war can be. A man, said to be a well-known rebel fighter, carves into the body of a government soldier and cuts out his heart and liver. “I swear to God we will eat your hearts out, you soldiers of Bashar. You dogs. God is greater!” the man says. “Heroes of Baba Amr … we will take out their hearts to eat them.” He then puts the heart in his mouth and takes a bite. . . .
Tariq al Sayed, a spokesman from the Homs neighborhood of Baba Amr, said he is a friend of the rebel in the video. He said the incident took place more than two weeks ago, after several rebels and government troops were killed in a battle in western Homs.
This is how they treat fellow Muslims. Think they’ll treat you better than that?
Syria, today. America, in a few generations because we continue to bend over for the so-called “Religion of Peace” (or, rather, Pieces).

Syrian Rebels Practice Dismemberment (NBC News Called this, “a Lighter Moment” – Imagine the “Heavier” Moments)
Tags: allahu Snackbar, CNN, Heroes of Baba Amr, Homs, Islam, Jihad, Syria, Syrian rebel cannibals, Syrian Rebel eats heart, Syrian rebel eats human heart, Syrian Rebels, Tariq Hamdi, video
Did he have some Fava beans and a little Chiante with it? Probably not the wine, the wine isn’t “Halal”. This would have been considered barbaric even in the seventh century.
RT on May 16, 2013 at 3:33 pm