May 24, 2013, - 2:42 pm
VIDEO: London Mayor Said WHAT?! About Islamic Hacking Murder
Watch the video, below. London Mayor Boris Johnson doesn’t want you to blame Islam for this week’s tragic, horrific London hacking/beheading murder perpetrated by two Muslims against British soldier Lee Rigby, in which they invoked Islam and the name of the Islamic god, allah, several times. (Ditto for British PM David Cameron, another Islamic scholar.) I suppose we should blame Snuffalopagus?

The Johnson mentality, which is also, sadly, the mentality of British politicians–whether “liberal” or “conservative”–is why this attack happened. We know that the two attackers hung out with Al-Muhajiroun, the supposedly “outlawed” Al-Qaeda group in Britain, that praised “the Magnificent 19.” We know the British authorities arrested one of them for attempting to head to Somalia to become a terrorist for Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Shabaab. We know the British authorities did not charge him for that and let him go. We also know the Brits have allowed their country to be taken over by Islamic immigrants (as we have here in the United States, except we are about a decade behind). And we know that the British do not allow their citizens–and even their police–to carry guns, which could have also prevented this. So many ways that Great Britain could have prevented this horrible death at the hands of Islam. And, instead, we have London’s Mayor begging us not to see the plain, honest truth–the obtrusive facts. This attack was absolutely because of Islam. You don’t have Christian and Jewish and atheist nuts hacking people to death on the streets of the West, rioting in Sweden and France and burning things down regularly, shooting up American military bases, flying planes into buildings, blowing up marathons and Pentagons, and trying to explode planes with underwear. It is Islam, buddy. If only this Mayor had a brain instead of a blind and bleeding heart.

Lee Rigby, Yet Another Victim of Islam on Western Soil, RIP – Sadly, He Won’t Be the Last
Tags: Al Muhajiroun, al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, Boris Johnson, Boris Johnson dhimmi, Boris Johnson Islam, Boris Johnson moron, Boris Johnson Muslim, denial, Drummer Lee Rigby, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Jihad, Lee Rigby, London, London Mayor, London Mayor Boris Johnson, London Mayor Islam
Well, Mr. Johnson, for starters, Islam isn’t a religion.
Islam is a thoroughly evil totalitarian political and legal system with a paper thin, pathetically cobbled, caveman religious veneer. You sanctimonious, butt-kissing dhimmi politicians, obediently continuing to float Islam’s lies and propaganda, aren’t going to change that truth or succeed at glossing it over.
And I DO blame Islam, quite frankly, because, contrary to your biased political opinion, it’s completely RIGHT to blame it. Totalitarian ideologies, like Islam and like Nazism, throughout the ages, are to blame for these very things.
The only thing we need to figure out, that we don’t already know about Islam, is which Muslim faction currently has you by your balls.
Because it’s clearly from there that some faction’s Islamic puppet strings are controlling your voice box.
Aurora on May 26, 2013 at 5:50 pm