June 27, 2013, - 3:35 pm
OUTRAGE: Man Fired for Offering Employee Bacon Sandwich (Didn’t Know She Was Muslim)
This absurd, outrageous incident happened to an employee–now ex-employee–of Britain’s NHS, the UK version of Obamacare. But it could easily happen here (and already has), as America’s Muslim population continues to explode through immigration (legal AND illegal) and birthrate. Uber-political correctness to Islam (dhimmitude) is the order of the day now and has been for years. Note that the man did not even know this woman was Muslim.

Clive Hunt, a 58-year old IT consultant in Manchester, England, confronted this question head on earlier this month, when he offered to pick up “bacon sandwiches” during a meeting with a new client. That reportedly offended a Muslim co-worker – and soon after, Hunt says he was told he lost the job. According to a report in the Manchester Evening News, Hunt says a manager told him the decision was made because of his “racist remark.”
Hunt says he was in a meeting at a Manchester office of the Reed recruitment company to discuss an eight-month contract worth £32,000 (or $50,000) to work with the British National Health Service (NHS). And during the meeting, Hunt offered to pick up “bacon sandwiches,” which . . . is “standard English breakfast fare.” He didn’t know that a colleague in the meeting, Sharika Sacranie, 29, was an observant Muslim, forbidden from eating pig products.
Hunt says he didn’t intend to offend anyone. “I’d never met [Sacranie] before,” he told the Daily Mail, adding “we got on fine.” But after the meeting, Hunt says he received the call telling him his services were no longer needed due to his “racist” remark — an allegation Hunt disputes. “There was no slur at her because I’d already met all the contractors on site before and one of them had actually told me they had really good bacon sandwiches.”
Mr Hunt said: “After we shook hands she said that she would come over to meet me on site with the other contractors and take us for breakfast. My parting words to her were ‘I will buy the bacon sandwiches’. “Later, as I was driving home, Ms Sacranie’s manager called me and wanted to know about the racist remark I had made. I said I had not made one and he said I had said that I would get her a bacon sandwich. But I only made the remark because she referred to breakfast.
“The woman was of Asian appearance. I am not a racist, never have been. I wasn’t brought up that way. “Bacon sandwiches are often eaten at breakfast. I didn’t think for a minute this would have caused offence otherwise I wouldn’t have said it. I have lost a contract because of an unassuming remark about a bacon sarnie. I have been an IT contractor for 30 years and never been subjected to this.
“I’m really gutted that I’ve missed out on this job. I was over the moon when I got it . I love working for the NHS, I know their systems.” A spokesman for Reed said: “Due to inappropriate comments made to members of our staff during the recruitment process before Mr Hunt started his new role we have unfortunately decided that we do not feel we can represent this client further.
Hunt has been out of work for some time now and can’t find a job. Well, he can always say the shehadah (Islamic oath to martyrdom–saying it is the only thing you need to do to convert to Islam), and then the world will be his halal oyster. Jihad your way to a job.
Reader Larry: “Would you like lettuce and tomato with that?”
Reader Jon Grant of Grant Patent Services: “Coming to a country near you.”
Again, it’s already here, and I’ll post a similar “American” story here soon. Stay tuned.
Tags: bacon, bacon sandwiches, Clive Hunt, dhimmitude, England, halal, Islam, islamic "tolerance", Islamic intolerance, Jihad, Manchester, National Health Service, NHS, Sharika Sacranie, UK
Soon, Every restaurant in America will be forbidden to offer Pork products on their menu. They don’t want to be sued for offending somebody.
sal on June 27, 2013 at 3:40 pm