September 24, 2013, - 1:29 pm
Rouhani: Remember That Obama’s “Moderate” Peace Partner Funds Hezbollah, Endorses Holocaust Denial
When Hassan Rouhani was “elected” President of Iran in June, I was invited to be on some BBC show, where I said that Rouhani is far worse than his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad because he puts a moderate mask on the exact same extremism. He holds the same hatred for Jews, endorses the same Holocaust denial, and has the same desire to wipe Israel and the Jews off the face of the map. And, so it goes, despite whatever phony words Rouhani utters today at the United Nations Assembly of Third World Banana Republics.

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But, since he’s smart enough not to say those things explicitly–and send public Rosh HaShanah greetings to the Jews in a calculated PR move–he’s raved and gushed over as someone different. And, so, he is far more dangerous than Ahmadinejad. I, for one, was fine without Rouhani’s phony Jewish New Year wishes. I’ve gotten plenty of death, rape, and torture threats from his fellow Shi’ite co-religionists in Dearbornistan who revere him and said the stuff to me that Rouhani is actually thinking about Jews and Americans.
And, yet, this same guy, Rouhani, is still funding the Hezbollah terrorist group that murdered over 300 Americans in cold blood at the Marine barracks and U.S. Embassy in Beirut nearly thirty years ago. Rouhani, in a much-hyped recent interview with NBC’s Ann Curry, declined to disavow Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial. She asked him at least twice, and he refused. That means he thinks exactly as his predecessor . . . as if there was a doubt. So far, no one has actually identified any concrete differences between Rouhani and Ahmadinejad, other than a diploma from Tehran New School for Charm Offensive Planning. As I said back in June on BBC, this is just another head of the Iranian ayatollahs’ muti-headed hydra, just like Ahmadinejad was. The ayatollahs are the puppetmasters. And just because they chose a puppet with a “kinder” phony visage, doesn’t mean there is any less bent to their wishes for the death and destruction of the West (not just Israel and the Jews).
And, yet, Barack Obama and the mainstream media and the conventional wisdom elite are anointing this reprobate to the same status as an American President with Rouhani’s appearance at the United Nations today. If Obama had any self-respect–and he does not (it’s not the same as excessive self-esteem and egomania)–he would dismiss Rouhani’s comments as pap, before they happened. He would demand that Rouhani denounce Hezbollah, apologize for the mass murders of Americans by the Iran-founded-and funded terrorist group. And he would demand that Rouhani withdraw all funding and arms to Hezbollah. He would demand that Rouhani stop using our country as a base for Hezbollah funding schemes and money-laundering operations. But Obama won’t dare make such demands on Iran. Bush wouldn’t and didn’t, either.
Even Bush sent representatives to talk with the Iranians with no preconditions, something vehemently defended by hack Condi Clueless a/k/a Condoleeza Rice. It made the Iranians equals, treating them as if they deserve an equal seat at the table with America, despite what they are doing to their own people, with nukes, and with Hezbollah funding and weaponry. Then, Bush sent Iran nearly $160 million in goods, including Coca-Cola and bras, defying and undercutting the economic embargo against the country. Republicans even embraced Carly Fiorina–who traded with Iran and defied the embargo by setting up foreign subsidiaries of HP to do biz with the ayatollahs. She was never questioned about this by anyone in the GOP. They just didn’t care and made her their failed California U.S. Senate candidate. What’s a Republican moderate? One who trades with Iran and doesn’t answer for it.
Heck, the only American President in recent years who really had the guts to deal Iran some blows was, ironically, Bill Clinton. He began the economic embargo against Iran, and the country suffered. Only $8 million of goods–all of them strictly emergency goods–went from U.S. shores. He also signed a counterterrorism package that made it illegal to donate to Iran-backed Islamic terrorist groups, including Hezbollah. And he had his Justice Department go after a lot of Hezbollah financiers, backers, and money-launderers. After 9/11, that tapered off demonstrably under faux-“counter-terrorism” Prez Bush and remains at the same low level of enforcement under Obama.
And, now, Obama thinks he will entice Rouhani and Iran with kindness. But, actually, it’s the other way around.
And the consequences are fatal for the West.
Tags: Barack Obama, Hassan Rouhani, Holocaust, Holocaust-denial, Iran, Israel, Obama, Rouhani United Nations
Rouhani was elected because Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei – the country’s real boss – decided Ahmedinejad’s strident anti-Semitic and anti-Western rhetoric did too much damage to Iran’s international standing. In a rigged, Soviet-style election with no real choice permitted, he ensured his favored hand-picked candidate won. The only real difference between Rouhani and his predecessor is Rouhani puts a more nuanced and pliable face on Iran’s genocidal policies. And the West’s reaction of course is because it wants to be fooled. Israel is the lonely odd man out in the Rouhmania sweeping the Western World. Of course Rouhani doesn’t make the decisions in his country. Bottom line being that nothing has changed in Iran, which remains a theocratic dictatorship run by Muslim mullahs.
NormanF on September 24, 2013 at 1:45 pm