October 11, 2013, - 1:15 pm
Obama’s White Relatives “Hardest Hit” by Shutdown, Newspaper Ran Into Them “At Random” at Closed Govt Tourist Spot
Who was hardest hit by the government shutdown? Not families of fallen soldiers, whose death benefits have only just been allowed to go forward by Congress. Not military veterans threatened with arrest for entering national monuments. Not people denied a Social Security card, even though the Social Security offices are fully staffed, funded, and open for service. Nope. Why, it’s Barack Obama’s White relatives, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Oh, and the Journal reporter, Jim Carlton, “just happened” to run into the Obama kin “at random” while surveying a closed national tourist attraction. Uh-huh. Sure he did. The odds of running into Obama relatives shut out of a government-run tourist spot somewhere in America have to be similar to winning the Powerball lottery or worse. It just doesn’t happen to a reporter for one of America’s most read national newspapers. This was a clearly planned Obama White House maneuver. As the French would say, “Quelle coincidence!” Whatta coincidence!
Check out the Obama family sob story (or, rather, crocodile tears story. So sad, too bad:
On Wednesday, a random canvassing of spurned visitors outside the Cliff House—a tourist spot perched above the Pacific Ocean at the city’s [San Francisco’s] western edge—revealed that even those related to President Barack Obama aren’t immune. Two members of the president’s extended family were denied entry to the historic dining establishment, which is privately operated but has been ordered to close because it is on national park land.
Virginia Goeldner, 78 years old, Mr. Obama’s maternal great aunt, and Teresa Berkebile, 49, his maternal second cousin, tried to enter the front door to the restaurant but found it locked. A sign affixed to the window read: “Because of the federal government shutdown, this National Park Service facility is closed.”
“We need to get this opened up now,” Ms. Berkebile, a self-employed businesswoman from Madera, Calif., said as she and her aunt, visiting from Maumelle, Ark., sought a place to eat lunch while sightseeing. “I wanted to show her around on the California coast.”
But Ms. Goeldner, who is retired, was quick to defend one person: her great nephew, whose 2008 inauguration she attended. “I don’t want to hear any Obama jokes,” she said.
More seriously, Ms. Goeldner said the legislative impasse that led to the shutdown of federal facilities nationwide, including here in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, showed the limits of Mr. Obama’s power. “Wouldn’t we want to think he has more control than he does?” Ms. Goeldner asked. “It’s sad, really.” . . .
The Obama relatives, meanwhile, say they feel sorry for the workers, and everyone else affected by the shutdown. As they prepared to walk down along the beachfront highway to another eatery still open, they were asked what advice they would give to their most famous family member. “Keep your chin up,” said Ms. Berkebile, “and do what you have to do.”
The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Boo hoo. Let me get out my tiny violin, so I can cry over these two lesbian-esque Obama relatives instead of World War II vets in wheelchairs.
What a surprise that the White House won’t comment. The White House clearly knew all about it and orchestrated it. And, awwwww. How touching that it’s all the Republicans’ (who just caved and got NOTHING in return) fault and not their Prez-in-chief relative’s fault. He has no power whatsoever, except to decide what stays open and what closes (which is NOT Congress’ prerogative).
Tags: Barack Obama, Cliff House, Government Shutdown, Jim Carlton, Jim Carlton Wall Street Journal, Obama White Relatives, Shutdown, Teresa Berkebile, Virginia Goeldner
WSJ, NBC, one and the same. They are both in the bag for this incompetent, ignorant, dangerous president.
JeffT on October 11, 2013 at 1:32 pm