November 13, 2013, - 10:53 pm
VIDEO: When Muslim Beastesses Attack – “Jew Sh-t! Dirty Jew!”
Unfortunately, the man in this video–while strong enough to videotape these Muslim hywonot (animals)–was too wimpy to press charges. Ignore the website link-whoring at the end of this video by a misguided idiot who believes in the pimping of Slobbert Spencer (whose most vehement jihad is against me, not Muslims, because I’m interfering with his business model and that of his plagiarist, scamming girlfriend, Scamela–who paid off Muslim straw buyers in her car loan fraud scheme).

More on the story:
A Canadian Jewish man was attacked and racially abused by two Muslim women at a popular coffee shop in Montreal earlier this month. The unidentified man, who was dining at Tim Horton’s cafe, filmed the attack on his phone. He reportedly asked the women what they thought of the proposed ban on religious clothing.
The two women, who have not been named, proceeded to physically attack the man. They grew increasingly irate when they spotted him filming the abuse. The younger women, who appeared to be in her late 20s, hurled antisemitic abuse him in Quebecois French.
She said: “Jewish s***. You’re Jewish s***. You insult veiled women. “You’re entire race can go f*** themselves. Dirty Jew.” She also called him a “racist”.
Um, what “race” is a Jew? I wonder How Sammy Davis, Jr. and the Queen of Sheba would answer that. (Not to mention, rapper Drake and actress Lisa Bonet, both Jews.)
The older women, who was wearing a black and blue hijab, also attacked the camera-holder with her handbag during the confrontation. According to reports, the non-religious Jewish man, who asked customers to call the police during the attack, did not press charges.
If you’re not gonna make them face the music, your filming of the transgressions loses its oomph. Don’t let these fugly Muslimas take your testicles away.
Remember, these are women in Canada, and the Muslim chicks in America ain’t no different. If you don’t press charge, they’ll keep attacking.
Tags: anti-Semitism, Canada, Canadian Muslims attack Jewish man, Dirty Jew, French, Islam, Islamic anti-Semitism, Jews, Jihad, Montreal, Muslim anti-Semitism, Muslim Jew-hatred, Muslims attack Jewish man in Montreal, Muslims attack Jewish man in Montreal video, Quebec, Quebec Muslims, video
How can you insult “veiled women” more than they already do themselves and their Satanic “religion”?
*Honour killings
*Paedophile pre-arranged marriages
*The men dictate to them.
*Have to dress like an artic Ninja even in the heat of summer.
*Can’t drive (Saudi Arabia)
*Can’t go to school (Afghanistan)
*Can be beat with things thinner than a hairy, Mooooslim thumb.
It’s just Islam that is the stinker. A stinky “religion” with stinky followers. These beasts are a scourge.
Skunky on November 13, 2013 at 11:43 pm