December 11, 2013, - 12:27 pm
Funnier Than Fake Sign Language Interpreter @ Mandela Funeral: PC Apologies by NBC, ABC Hosts After They Mock It
We really needed a fake sign language interpreter when Barack Obama said, “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

It’s only fitting that a false hero had a fake sign language interpreter at his funeral. And it would have been a great opportunity for an Islamic terrorist to hit all of his friends and foes of the world in one fell swoop, since there was no security screening and no metal detectors at Mandelastock. But even funnier than the story of the guy who pretended to be signing at Mandela’s funeral are the reactions of the hosts of NBC’s “Today” show and ABC’s “The View” after they and/or their producers mocked the fake signer on their respective shows, this morning. I only wish videos of those were up already (but, sadly, they are not, so you’ll have to read my descriptions, below).
The mocking was funny. The PC apologies afterward were even more hilarious . . . and revealing of the humorlessness of these politically correct, uber-left hosts.
First up was NBC’s “Today” show. From 9:00-10:00 a.m. Eastern, the show is co-hosted by Al Roker, Natalie Morales, and Willie Geist. At first, while they were describing the story, a bubble popped up on the screen, featuring a post-middle-aged Today show producer doing fake sign language of what they were saying. It was hilarious. But Roker, Morales, and Geist put on their faux-serious faces and got all upset, urging the producer to stop. Then, they apologized profusely, over and over again for this. Then, two segments later, they began another segment with more serious apologies. Guys, get a sense of humor (and get rid of whatever it is that’s stuck up your rear ends) . . . STAT.
Then, there was ABC’s anti-male yenta hag-fest a/k/a “The View.” Co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Jenny also started doing mock sign language while they were discussing the story, albeit less funny because, well, they just aren’t funny. After the commercial break, more serious apologies to the deaf community. Yup, this is what we’ve become: a country with humorless, uber-self-important media stars who need to get a life and come down from their PC holier-than-thou thrones. Attention, media nitwits: if you mock the fake sign language interpreter, you’re not mocking deaf people. Two different categories of people.
In any event, I think the story is hilarious. And so was that Today show producer. The fact that this fake sign language interpreter was up there next to the world’s leaders–each trying to outdo the other in their commitment to civil rights and their verbal Lewinsky’s to the dead emperor with no clothing, Mandela–is so symbolic of the whole Mandela funeral.
Mandelastock, and all of its players, was nothing more than fakery and comedy. More ideas for other events that need a fake sign language dude:
* All Obama press conferences, State of the Union addresses, and “We Fixed ObamaCare Glitches” speeches #435,853-435,877;
* Whenever Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, or Harry Reid opens his/her mouth;
* All episodes of the “Daily Show” (especially now that Jon Stewart Leibowitz is back from his absence from the show).
Add your ideas for other events and broadcasts that need a fake sign language interpreter.
Tags: fake sign language intepreter Mandela funeral, fake sign language interpreter, sign language, sign language interpreter mandela funeral
What is stuck up their rear ends, as you put it, is Obama’s middle finger, which is sign language for “you are fucked.”
Any quesions?
panhandle on December 11, 2013 at 1:31 pm