December 30, 2013, - 5:24 pm
Twitter Muslim Said WHAT?! – UPDATED
A cowardly Muslim chick is calling for me to be murdered because I’m Jewish, and Twitter refuses to do anything about it.

Yup, it’s time for another edition of “Religion of Peace” hate-tweet of the day. As I noted, I get these on a regular basis on all of my social media outlets, and e-mail and comments left on this site. If I posted all of them, I’d spend all of my time doing that, so I just put up a (rotten) “taste” of them.
I reported the first tweet, below, to Twitter, and yet it remains up. I hope you will report it, too (if you have a Twitter account–if not, please join up and follow me on Twitter). You can report help me by reporting the tweet. Report it by going to the tweet here, then clicking on “more,” then clicking on “Report Tweet.” You’ll note that this woman, who is Muslim and vocally anti-Semitic (she calls me a “yahoodi,” which means, “Jew”), won’t give us her real name because she’s a wimp, a fraidy-cat, who has no problem spreading hate, but doesn’t want to answer for it.

She is Malala . . .

FYI, “jahannam” is “hell” in Islam/Arabic, and “haraam” is “forbidden, not permitted/allowed” in Islam/Arabic.

Hey, another thing that won’t change in the new year. It will only get worse. Because Twitter refuses to do anything about it.
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
**** UPDATE, 12/31/13: Thanks to everyone who reported the hate tweet to Twitter. But it is unfortunately still up. This cowardly Muslima bigot couldn’t take the heat, so she changed her Twitter name again to avoid her tweet being reported. But I’ve updated the information, so if you could not report the tweet before (due to her name change), you can report it now. Here’s how:
Report it by going to the tweet here, then clicking on “more,” then clicking on “Report Tweet.”
Thank you! Note her new Twitter bio:

Tags: Islam, islamic "tolerance", Islamic death threats, Islamic intolerance, Israel, Jews, Jihad, Muslim anti-Semitism, Muslim death threats, Muslim Intolerance, Muslim Jew-hatred, Muslim tolerance, Twitter
Twitter is one more waste of time, like Facebook.
Jonathan E. Grant on December 30, 2013 at 5:32 pm