January 23, 2014, - 12:29 pm
Justin Bieber Should Be Deported; If He Were Justin Smith, He’d Be Gone By Now . . . or Would He?
So, they finally arrested this spoiled, talentless punk, Justin Bieber, for DUI (driving under the influence) and resisting arrest in Miami Beach. Shouldn’t America deport the annoying, out-of-control pop star?

True, he’s not as dangerous as an Islamic terrorist. But we don’t deport those–they are Obama’s friends (and were Bush’s buddies). So, we should at least send a message about out of control celebrities and unworthy teen idols who aren’t American citizens.
When I was a kid, Bob Probert, the late Detroit Red Wings enforcer, couldn’t go to Canada for NHL games. Because of his drug and drunk driving convictions and other problems, if he returned to his native country to the north, we wouldn’t let him back in. That was back in the pre-9/11 days when our borders were a lot less porous and we took things a little more seriously (not seriously enough, but far better than today). Now, with the boondoggle that is Homeland Security, Probert probably wouldn’t have had to worry.
And so it goes with Bieber. The guy (who is a native Canadian) has a history of run-ins involving drugs and alcohol, but he always lets someone else take the fall. That was the case when his tour bus, attempting entry into Detroit, had pot on it and was detained. His Los Angeles-area home was raided by police and illegal drugs were found. And who gets the blame? Some black rapper member of his posse of hangers-on, when you know they were both in on the action. It’s been the case in many other instances. And this twit remains in America.
If his name were Justin Smith, we’d long ago have deported Bieber, and he wouldn’t be able to come back or try to for ten years. (Maybe. Today, I’m not so sure, because ICE–Immigration and Customs Enforcement–seems not to deport anybody.) It’s as if he’s Muslim and it’s hands off. We’re treating him as if his name is Justin Mohammed Al-Bieber, since he seems to be untouchable. And not only that, our local police forces provide him police escorts to strip joints so he can shower the bimbo sluts with $75,000 in singles, like some Saudi sheikh. (It should be noted that Bieber was drag racing with a Black Muslim rapper, Khalil Amir Sharieff, who was also arrested with him.)
We regularly deport all kinds of foreign nationals–even if they have green cards–when they engage in crimes, especially drug crimes. So, why does this guy keep catching a break?
With today’s arrest of Justin Bieber, let’s hope he gets convicted of felony DUI and we drop him off in New Brunswick or Victoriaville.
Sadly, we probably won’t. Because we’re just not serious about deporting anyone. And if we finally do in his case, he can always say the Shehada (the Islamic oath of martyrdom, the utterance of which constitutes conversion to Islam), claim religious discrimination, and get his new buddies on HAMAS-front/terrrorism co-conspirator CAIR to save his butt.
Tags: Deport Bieber, Deport Justin Bieber, Immigration, Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber Arrested, Khalil Amir Sharieff
It wasn’t just Probert. Fellow Canadian (by birth) Ian Tyson, when he was one-half of the folk duo/country-rock pioneers Ian & Sylvia, had been arrested in 1973 for attempting to smuggle marijuana in a guitar case at the Canadian-U.S. border; for this, he was persona non grata in the States for several years. (He also engaged in a series of drink-fueled shenanigans on a cross-country train in-between concerts that were part of the Canadian-based Festival Express tour in 1970, including a drinking contest with the late Janis Joplin where she clearly outdrank him – but that’s another story.) But Tyson had far more talent in his pinky than the callow twerp Bieber has had anywhere in his entire body.
ConcernedPatriot on January 23, 2014 at 12:51 pm