January 30, 2014, - 3:21 pm
Let Him Fry: Justice Dept Seeks Death Penalty for Islamic Terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
The Obama Administration finally did something right (though it would be an absolute outrage if it did not do this). The Justice Department will seek the death penalty for Islamic Terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. And to that, I say, turn him into halal Kentucky Fried Chicken.

I used to be 100% for the death penalty, until, as a criminal defense attorney, I represented some innocent people accused of crimes. I saw how easy it was for those who are unable to afford good attorneys to be convicted based on very little and/or flimsy evidence. I still support the death penalty for the most egregious crimes and those in which the evidence is stark. But, for most criminals, IF we can assure they will spend their entire lives in prison, I saye leave ’em there to rot and throw away the key.
But the case of the Tsarnaev Brothers is one of those egregious cases. They maimed and/or murdered over 200 people. They planned this and they deliberately attacked these innocent people because they were Americans who were mostly not Muslims. The surviving Tsarnaev terrorist deserves to die. In fact, he deserves to be tortured to death. Sadly, we are too “humane” to do that–to blow off his legs like he blew off the legs of several Americans. So, since we won’t do it, at the very least Dzhokhar Tsarnaev deserves to be put to death.
I’m not sure that will ever happen, despite the announcement by federal prosecutors that they will seek death for Tsarnaev. As we know, there are endless death row appeals in these kinds of cases. And, in many cases, the criminals are never actually put to death.
But at least there is the attempt here. As I noted, true justice would involve torturing this cretin to death in a long, slow way. But since we won’t do that, Kentucky Fried Dzhokhar would be a good alternative option.
If only he could rot on earth first before he rotted in hell.
Tags: Boston Marathon Terrorists, death penalty, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev death penalty
They should drop him into a deep fryer. His guilt is beyond any doubt.
Worry01 on January 30, 2014 at 3:31 pm