February 28, 2014, - 3:37 pm
Cha-Ching! City Pays Violent Chick $75K After Police Cut Off Her Extensions
How much should a violent woman be paid for the virtual “holocaust” of having her weaved-in artificial braids cut off by police?
A Detroit suburb just paid a woman $75,000 for this crime against humanity, despite the fact that hair extensions can be used to strangle cops and prison personnel and can also be used in prison jailhouse suicides.
Black History Month: Charda Gregory Gets the Most Expensive Haircut in Michigan History . . .

Let’s say you’re a violent woman. Let’s say police arrest you. Let’s say you were arrested at a very seedy motel. Let’s say that after you were arrested at said seedy motel, you also kicked out the rear window of a police car, not easy to do. And let’s say that you were so violent, so crazy that police felt it necessary to protect themselves and you from yourself and, so, they cut off your hair extensions, known among other things for their possible use in strangulations, hangings, and nooses. Should you be rewarded with Seventy-Five Grand? That seems like a pretty generous payday for you and your greedy lawyer.
But Charda Renee Gregory was the beneficiary of that generosity for taking a haircut, after the city of Warren, Michigan paid her $75,000. And we were down on Bill Clinton for his $200 haircut. Not only that, but all charges against Ms. Gregory, who is most certainly a criminal and definitely violent and dangerous, were dropped. Nice (non-)work if you can get it. The race card is expensive. Don’t leave home without it.
Yes, I know hair weaves and extensions are expensive, but they ain’t that expensive (maybe $3,000 at the very high end–and I highly doubt a chick at the Suez Motel has that high-end kind of weave). And she was violent, so she put herself in the situation where cops did the reasonable thing. Oh, and did I mention that the cop was fired? Yup, criminal rewarded with large payday, cop fired. What’s wrong with this country?!
Detroit woman who was restrained in a chair while a police officer cut her hair has been awarded $75,000. Charda Renee Gregory, was taken into custody Nov. 13 by Warren police officers after she was alleged to have damaged property at the Suez Motel on east Eight Mile. Officer Bernadette Najor, who was fired, is seen in a video cutting Gregory’s hair weave from her scalp. . . .
The charges against Gregory of malicious destruction of property, malicious destruction of police property for allegedly kicking out the rear window of a patrol car and resisting arrest were also dropped, Griem said. Gregory’s lawyer, Paul Misukewicz, wasn’t unavailable for comment.
Of course, he’s not available. He’s too busy . . . laughing all the way to the bank. His one-third is $25,000 (that’s al-math, for those of you in Dearbornistan). I’ll bet he’s on his third margarita in Negril by now.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what you’re gonna tell me. A Black chick’s hair is her identity. You crackahz just don’t understand. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Huh? Her identity just went from livin’ in a seedy motel doing who knows what there . . . to the most expensive haircut in Michigan history after a few minutes’ possible humiliation in response to her violent behavior. And you know that part of the reason the city of Warren buckled and paid so much is that Ms. Gregory is Black and the cops are not. The race card was played . . . and paid. As I said, nice (zero) work if you can get it.
Who needs an Obamaphone when you can get a Warren Haircut?
Tags: Bernadette Najor, Braids as weapons, cha-ching, Charda Gregory, Charda Renee Gregory, Detroit, Michigan, most expensive haircut in Michigan History, Paul Misukewicz, Suez Motel, violent criminals rewarded, Warren
I want an Obama Phone now. If Warren is dumb enough to cave on this, it deserves whatever happens to it.
Worry on February 28, 2014 at 7:11 pm