March 5, 2014, - 3:36 pm
My Black/Hispanic Brother’s Keeper: These Companies Fund Obama Racism Against White Males; Trayvon Martin Parents @ Announcement
You can just hear Cain Obama asking G-d, “Am I my White Brother’s Keeper?” And like the original Cain, he’d be asking that in denial.
Where’s White Waldo? . . .

Do you shop at Sam’s Club or eat at McDonald’s? Do you pay with an American Express Card? Do you watch the NBA on TV? Do you click on Do you use Deloitte for accounting, taxes, or other business help? Do you drink coffee at any of Magic Johnson’s Starbucks franchises? Will you shop at Johnson’s retail development soon to go up on the former Michigan State Fair grounds? If you do any of these, you’re helping to fund Barack Obama’s racist program to give Black and Hispanic boys a leg up, while White males need not apply. Johnson, the NBA, and the Bloomberg Foundation are among those helping and/or funding Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative. The full list is later in this post.
Incredibly, the Obama Administration has the chutzpah to call this initiative, which excludes Whites, “Opportunity for All.” Really?
Normally, an initiative like this would be illegal and against the law . . . if it were paid for by the federal government (programs like this must be “narrowly tailored” to right specific wrongs, etc.). So, Obama got around that by getting several foundations to chip in $200 million to help Blacks and Hispanic boys and not White males. And that is in addition to the $150 million these groups have already spent toward this goal. Under the initiative, businesses and foundations will make investments and support programs to help Black and Hispanic males go to college and graduate school, keep them out of poverty, and help them get jobs. But if you are a White male, stay in your parents’ basement because Obama and his business cronies aren’t in your corner.
Oh, and by the way, Obama’s son Trayvon Martin’s parents were in the audience at Friday’s announcement, as if race had anything to do with why Martin–before he died–was a constant disciplinary problem at school, attacked a bus driver, and was involved with drugs. And if race had something to do with it, it wasn’t because of “racism” but because, unfortunately, many Black parents–and now White parents, too–take their kid’s side against authority no matter how bad their kid is. I suppose that’s cause for reward and booty from America’s wealthiest foundations and corporations.
According to the Obama White House, the following foundations are funding the racist, bigoted inititiative:
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, Bloomberg Philanthropies, The California Endowment, The Ford Foundation, The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The Open Society Foundations, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and The Kapor Center for Social Impact. Many of the foundations are members of the Executives’ Alliance to Expand Opportunities for Boys and Men of Color – a coalition of philanthropic institutions committed to leveraging philanthropy’s role in improving life outcomes for boys and men of color.
In addition to the leadership from the philanthropic community, the My Brother’s Keeper initiative will leverage participation from the business community and elected officials to support this cross-sector effort. As part of today’s announcement, President Obama will meet with a number of business leaders – including Joe Echevarria of Deloitte, Magic Johnson of Magic Johnson Enterprises, Glenn Hutchins of Silver Lake Partners, Adam Silver of the National Basketball Association and Thomas Tull of Legendary Entertainment – to discuss ways in which they and their companies can work with the Initiative to improve the life outcomes of boys and young men of color.
The President will also be joined today by public sector leaders including General Colin Powell, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Honorable Michael Bloomberg. Additionally, several other prominent members of the business community—including Rosalind Brewer of Sam’s Club, Ken Chenault of American Express, and Don Thompson of McDonald’s—have already expressed their support for this effort, and the White House expects additional commitments in the coming days and months.
Hmmm . . . if you eat Big Macs and oppose racism, maybe it’s time to start your diet. And American Express? Time to leave home without it.
Tags: Adam Silver, American Express, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Anti-White Racism, Barack Obama, Barack Obama racism, Barack Obama racist, bigotry, bigotry against White males, Bloomberg, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Colin Powell, Deloitte, Don Thompson, Executives’ Alliance to Expand Opportunities for Boys and Men of Color, Glenn Hutchins, Joe Echevarria, Ken Chenault, Legendary Entertainment, Magic Johnson, Magic Johnson Enterprises, McDonald's, Michael Bloomberg, My Brother's Keeper, My Brother's Keeper Initiative, National Basketball Association, NBA, Obama anti-White, Obama bigotry, Racism, racism against White males, Rahm Emanuel, Rosalind Brewer, Sam's Club, Silver Lake Partners, The Atlantic Philanthropies, The California Endowment, The Ford Foundation, The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The Kapor Center for Social Impact, The Open Society Foundations, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Thomas Tull, Trayvon Martin, white males
It represents the racism of the elites.
Worry01 on March 5, 2014 at 4:01 pm