March 10, 2014, - 2:18 pm
Malaysia, Iran, Islam, and the Missing Flight MH370
When I first heard about the missing flight from Malaysia, Malaysia Airlines MH370, I didn’t shed any tears. After all, Malaysia is one of the most militant Islamic countries, in terms of hatred for America, Israel, and Jews. This is the country that cheered on the President it elected, Mahathir Mohamad, as he called for more homicide bombings of Jews, just after there had been many such mass murders in Israel at the hands of Palestinians–at Passover Seders, at pizzerias, at coffee shops, at bars, etc. This is the country, whose people applauded (along with representatives of every single Islamic nation) as Mohamad said Jews control the world, get people to die for them, and other such anti-Semitic nonsense. And so if a single one of those Malaysians who had no prob with this guy as Prez was dead from a plane crash, I wouldn’t cry over it . . . except crocodile tears. I’m not ashamed to say I don’t cry for those who wish for my death. In my religion, turning the other cheek ain’t a virtue. It’s a weakness.
Malaysian Then-Leader Mahathir Mohamad to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) . . .

Muslims on Missing Malaysian Flight: How Many of ‘Em Support the Anti-Semitic, America-Hating Extremism of Their Chosen, Elected Leaders?
I also doubted that terrorists would attack a plane from “the homeland”–Dar Al-Islam, lands Islam has already conquered and which are extremist Muslim theocratic states, as Malaysia is. I thought to myself that the only likely way this could be that this was a terrorist attack would be if Shi’ite Muslims attacked the plane. Malaysia, largely Sunni Muslim, is already so extreme that I doubt Al-Qaeda types would target its planes.
And, then, when it became apparent that the plane was filled with mostly Chinese people (some Muslim), and even a few Americans (why were these Chinese and Americans in this hateful Islamic country, doing business with those who support mass murder and genocide?), Al-Qaeda (or other Sunni Muslim) terrorism became a possibility again, as we know that China is seen as an “oppressor” of Uighur Muslims, who are very militant and recently stabbed people to death in bloody attacks at a Chinese train station. China, normally open about the threat presented by its Muslims, was strangely silent as to the identity of the Muslim attackers, this time. That’s a sign of weakness. And maybe terrorists sensed it and struck harder this time.
But then news surfaced that two men on the flight were traveling under fake names and using stolen passports (hey, thanks for checking the passports with Interpol, Malaysia!), and, now, we know their seats were paid for by a “mysterious” Iranian businessman, Mr. Ali. Iran is a largely Shi’ite state (and Ali is more often than not a Shi’ite name, brain-dead American boxers excluded). Sunnis are few and mostly oppressed there (even though Iran proudly funds Sunni HAMAS because it harms a set of common enemies: Jews, Israel, and the West).
One of the men is described as a Black man, and it figures Muslims would use Blacks for their terrorist biddings. As I’ve noted repeatedly on this site, Islam is a most racist religion, and Blacks are referred to as the Islamic N-word equivalents, abed [slave] and abeed [slaves, plural].
So was this a terrorist attack, a drug deal gone awry (we know that Iran and its satellite Shi’ites in Hezbollahstan Lebanon are big into the illegal drug trade, too–check out the Bekaa Valley), or something else? I now vote the former, though, in general, terrorists like to claim credit and laugh about it.
We shall see. Stay tuned.
In any event, I’ll never forget the devout Muslim Malaysian exchange students I heard speak at an event supporting the divestment of Israel. Their openly expressed hate for Jews made even Dearbornistan’s Shi’ite Muslims in attendance blush (because the Shi’ites in Dearbornistan know better than to say it in public where there are members of the press and other third parties).
So, still no tears from me for those who cheer my death and those of my fellow co-religionists. And that describes Malaysians to a “T.”
Exit Question: How many of the Muslim mourners of those lost on Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 do you think were tearful over 9/11? How many of ’em cheered?
I rest my case.
When it’s Muslims v. Muslims or Chi-Coms, I say, let allah sort it out.
Tags: Iran, Iranian Businessman, Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia, Malaysia Airlines, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, MH 370, Mr. Ali
muslims killing mulsims… it’s a good thing.
~Martha Stewart
DS_ROCKS! on March 10, 2014 at 2:35 pm