July 15, 2014, - 3:21 pm
Palestinian Terrorist/Murderer Says Judge Can’t Be Fair b/c He’s a JOOOO, Demands Removal
An Islamic terrorist Muslima is asking a liberal Jewish federal judge to recuse himself because she and her far-left, self-hating Jewish lawyer believe Jews can’t be fair judges.

Indicted Sexy Palestinian Terrorist/Murderer Demands: “No Evil JOOOO Judges!” Wants Judge Paul Borman Off the Case
Last October, I told you about the indictment of Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, a Palestinian terrorist who got U.S. citizenship because Homeland Security didn’t even Google her name and instead rubber-stamped her citizenship request. A Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist, Odeh bombed an Israeli supermarket and the British consulate. She murdered two Israeli college students in the attacks. But she was released in one of the many lopsided swaps that Israel does for soldiers and citizens. And she came to the United States, seeking a golden ticket, which she got, after lying on immigration documents. But her status as an Islamic terrorist was all over the internet and a documentary was made about her, all Google-able. They gave her citizenship, anyway, and she served as an ObamaCare Navigator for a Muslim-dominated Arab welfare agency where she works.
Odeh was set to enter a guilty plea because she clearly lied on immigration and citizenship applications and documents when she repeatedly checked or wrote “no” on questions regarding whether she had ever been convicted of a crime or spent time in prison. But, yesterday, she and her lefty, self-hating Jewish lawyer, Chicago-based Michael E. Deutsch, filed a motion to get Federal Judge Paul Borman to recuse himself because he is Jewish and donated $3 million to the Detroit Jewish Federation. Read the Motion.
Here’s a tip:
Judge Borman is a liberal appointed by Bill Clinton. The Jewish organizations he’s involved with and to which he donated money have an appalling record on Israel, particularly the Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit, which regularly opposes the deportation of Muslims and whose officials have appeared with HAMAS CAIR officials at immigration rallies and press conferences denouncing ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents for deporting Muslim illegal aliens, many of whom have terrorist records and connections, like Ms. Odeh. The Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit–through its political arm, the Jewish Community Relations Council–even voted against condemning Palestinian terrorism. And when I stopped the FBI from giving a national award to Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad, they not only publicly denounced me and praised Hamad, but they called the Detroit-area media and told them Hamad should have gotten the award. The Jewish Federation financed a Palestinian tennis center (have you seen any Palestinian John McEnroes yet? Me neither), and donated thousands of dollars through its “Jewish Fund” to send ignorant inner city kids from Detroit to tour the anti-Israel Arab American National Museum.
Judge Borman, himself, brags in his bio–the very bio the Jewish Federation put out when it gave him a BS award–that he has “worked to further the Jewish community’s interest and involvement in programs . . . to promote . . . Arab-American Jewish relations.” (That bio, by the way is an exhibit in Odeh’s reprehensible motion.) Hmmmm . . . not sure how that’s in the Jewish community’s interest, but this liberal group of wealthy Jews pretends to speak for me and many others whom they do not represent.
Although Judge Borman has made some very reasoned decisions, which I’ve praised on this site, he’s also made some ridiculous decisions. And he’s a liberal, including when it comes to pandering to and financing Jewish Islamo-pandering and enabling of Islamic extremism in the Detroit area, or he would not have donated $3 million to those who engage in this. But he’s a Jew, and that’s all that matters to these Jew-hating Palestinian Muslims, especially if they are terrorists, like Ms. Odeh.
More of these blatantly anti-Semitic challenges to Jewish judges will come from Muslims, and it will clog the system. But try doing that with a Muslim judge such as the HAMASnik appointed by Chris Christie.
It should be noted that the tax-funded, Muslim-dominated Arab welfare agency, ACCESS, tweeted in support of Ms. Odeh’s anti-Semitic motion asking Judge Borman to recuse himself.
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
Tags: Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorists, Islamic terrorists in America, Jewish federal judges, Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit, Jewish judges, Judge Paul Borman, Michael E. Deutsch, Muslim anti-Semitism, Muslim immigration, Paul Borman, PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, pro-Israel Judge, Rasmieh Odeh, Rasmieh Odeh PFLP, Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, Rasmieh Yousef Odeh Jewish Judge, Rasmieh Yousef Odeh Judge Paul Borman, Rasmieh Yousif Odeh
That’s the irony. This judge may very well be the fairest chance she has.
Esser Agaroth on July 15, 2014 at 3:29 pm