July 29, 2014, - 4:51 pm
Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem Attack Israel, Jews as “Genocidal” – 2 More Hollywood Jew-Haters to Boycott Forever
When Javier Bardem plays villains in the movies, he’s apparently not acting. He and his moronic actress wife, Penelope Cruz, attacked Israel and Jews as “genocidal.” Here’s a tip: anyone who calls Jews “genocidal” for defending themselves against murderers is anti-Semitic. This is the same kind of defamation of the Jewish people prominent in the hate speech of the Nazis and all other real genocidal malefactors throughout history who tried to wipe out the Jewish people. Clearly, Bardem and Cruz enjoy being in the company of the Nazis and other perpetrators of genocide. Remember that the next time you think of going to a movie starring either of these horrible creatures (whose acting “talents,” by the way, are vastly overrated).
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .

The only parties who are genocidal in this conflict are the Palestinians, whose HAMAS and P.L.O. and Islamic Jihad and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, etc., etc., ad naseam, have tried to wipe out the Jewish people and made this goal a part of their charters and an inherent part of their raisons d’etre. Cruz and Bardem know that but won’t admit it because they enjoy attacking Jews more . . . along with other Jew-haters, including a guy named “Nacho.”
Dozens of Spanish film stars, directors, musicians and writers, led by Oscar winners Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem and Pedro Almodovar, have denounced Israel’s incursion into Gaza. In an open letter referenced by Europa Press and other Spanish media, they described Israel’s actions as “genocide.”They also called on the European Union to “condemn the bombing by land, sea and air against the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip.”
In the open letter, they demanded a cease-fire by the Israeli military and urged Israel to “lift the blockade, which the Gaza Strip has suffered for more than a decade.” The letter also said: “Gaza is living through horror these days, besieged and attacked by land, sea and air. Palestinians’ homes are being destroyed, they are being denied water, electricity [and] free movement to their hospitals, schools and fields while the international community does nothing.”
Others who signed the letter include directors Montxo Armendariz and Benito Zambrano; actors Lola Herrera, Eduardo Noriega and Rosa Maria Sarda; and musicians Amaral and Nacho Campillo. The entertainers blamed the new round of violence in the Middle East on the occupation of Palestinian land by Israel, which, the letter said, “continues to advance into and invade the Palestinian territories instead of returning to the 1967 borders.”
Blah, blah, blah. The fact is that NONE of this would be happening if HAMAS stopped the rocket attacks on Israel, whose innocent civilians have been subjected to these murder attempts by missile several times a day for years. The “homes” are merely cover for tunnels for rockets and suicide bombs. And as far as “1967 borders” go, here’s another clue for these idiots: Israel is currently at the 1967 borders, as it rescued and liberated the Jewish Temple and other parts of Jerusalem from being treated like a garbage dump in 1967 (where Muslims pissed into Jewish graves and used gravestones to pave sidewalks). What these imbeciles likely meant is “pre-1967 borders.” And as far as that goes, the Palestinians already govern themselves and control nearly 96 percent of the pre-1967 borders. These dumbasses don’t know what they are talking about, and it shows. They need to be force-fed a nice, tall, warm glass of STFU juice.
Penelope Cruz/Javier Bardem Want More of This: Pre-1967 Jerusalem: Muslims Made Jewish Gravestones into Toilets . . .
By the way, Cruz won an Oscar for her role as a nymphomaniacal pervertette and part of a bizarre menage-a-trois in Woody Allen’s “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” (read my review). She’d be best advised to heed the recent words of Woody Allen:
There are many people that disguise their negative feelings toward Jews, disguise it as anti-Israel criticism, political criticism, when in fact what they really mean is that they don’t like Jews.
Got that, bitch?
If this were 1940s Europe, we know who these Spaniards would be saluting. And they would be very good with oven switch operation and lampshade craft.
I don’t speak Spanish, but I have a message for them using the Spanish I learned long ago from a Cuban Jewish ex-boyfriend:
Chupa pinga de cabra y muerete, cabron.
Or in their case, “cabrons.”
Tags: Javier Bardem, Javier Bardem anti-Semitic, Javier Bardem Israel, Javier Bardem Jews, Javier Bardem Palestine, Penelope Cruz, Penelope Cruz anti-Semitic, Penelope Cruz Israel, Penelope Cruz Jews, Penelope Cruz Palestine
@ Laura S
Are you insane? Why would we kill a person when he did no harm to us? We only fight against those who harm or try to harm us. Like in palestine , these jews occupied the land of the Muslims n that’s why we’re fighting with the jews there. If they hadn’t occupied the land of the palestinians then we won’t give a fuck to their existence. And if this bitch named debbie didn’t post anything anti-Islamic then I won’t be here , at this fuckingly ridiculous page. And about that cockroach stuff .you call us cockroaches.? Huh:/ …you jews breed like germs :/ hitler was like a handwash which killed 99.9% of these germs but the remaining 0.1% multiplied so quickly that today they form a majority in the country which they occupied and they are numerous enough to make this world fall ill n that’s exactly what they’re doing right now :/
i support palestine#1 on July 31, 2014 at 3:54 am