October 8, 2014, - 6:37 pm
Stephen Collins: Molestation Charges End Acting Career, But Now He Can Start a Religion of 1.8 Billion
Stephen Collins’ acting career may be over, but now he can start a religion. A child molester is worshiped by billions. And if you dare talk about him, you could face death.
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Attn, Stephen Collins, Time To “Revert”: Mohammed Took a Child Bride & Many Muslims Like Faiz Mohammed, Above, Emulate Him (w/ 11-Yr-Old Ghulam Haider)
The whole pop culture world is abuzz over an audio tape released by TMZ in which Collins allegedly admits to a therapist that he exposed himself, molested young girls, and had them touch his penis. But I don’t understand why America is so intolerant of this pedophilia. After all, weren’t we told we are not allowed to “judge” a religion of 1.8 billion followers, Islam, founded by a violent guy who, at age 50, took a six-year-old and had sex with her just a few years later? (They argue that Mohammed didn’t have sex with Aisha until she was age nine, which makes that just soooo much more appropriate, right?) I mean, you can’t even draw cartoons about that child molester and live to tell about it.
I think it’s time for Collins to make a career shift . . . or convert to the Religion of Peace, Bacha Bazi Boys, and Child Brides.
So if we’re supposed to be tolerant of the religion that worships a child molester, why should we be upset over Stephen Collins? Infidel Hollywood actors are now held to different standards than a religion of beheaders, hijackers, and Fort Hood shooters? I thought we were lectured about “tolerance” and “Don’t judge!!!!” with regard to this kind of lifestyle. What gives? I mean, didn’t Ayatollah Khomeini–worshiped by almost all Sh’ite Muslims around the world (including in Dearbornistan, USA)–instruct Muslims to marry young girls and take ’em outta their parents’ houses before the girls reach the “first blood” (their first periods)? (Maybe I’m confused and it was really Ayatollah Jesus–you know, of the religion we’re always being told is the “backward, reactionary” one.)
Just askin’. I’m getting confused by all these different standards for different people based on whether or not they bob up and down on a portable rug and believe in beheadings as lunchtime (and dinnertime) entertainment.
So I have a suggestion for Collins who played a Christian minister on TV:
Good-bye, 7th Heaven. Hello, 7th Century & 72 Helen Thomases in Paradise.
Tags: Islam, Islam child molesting, Mohammed, Mohammed child molester, Stephen Collins
Yeah, and since he only told a therapist, and there weren’t three other male witnesses to hear his admission, then if he were a moslem he could have all the girls he molested stoned to death.
CornCoLeo on October 8, 2014 at 7:58 pm