November 25, 2014, - 2:52 pm
Schmuck: NFL Moron Reggie Bush Compares Michael Brown, Blacks to Palestinians in Israel
NFL football player Reggie Bush sympathetically compares thuggish “gentle giant” Michael Brown to the Palestinians. No wonder my hometown Detroit Lions are usually losers. They have morons like this guy on the team (though he’s out for three weeks–better if he’s out forever).

While Ferguson, Missouri and the rioting race protesters have a lot in common with Gaza and the violent Palestinian terrorists, that’s not how this imbecile, Bush, meant it.
In fact, he claims Ferguson is like Israel. Which is interesting. Do Ferguson police officers take meat cleavers into churches and synagogues and hack worshippers to death? Do Ferguson police officers kidnap three Black teens and murder them? Do Ferguson police offices bomb school buses, blow up Christmas dinners in hotels, and detonate explosive vests in bars, pizza shops, and other restaurants? Really? Nope. In fact, the Ferguson Police don’t do any of those things. But the Palestinians do those things to innocent Israeli civilians. Let me guess: Reggie Bush majored in basket-weaving at USC.

Reggie Bush just compared Ferguson to Israel — suggesting Israelis are shooting unarmed Palestinians … the same way Officer Darren Wilson shot Mike Brown.
The Detroit Lions star went to Instagram and posted a photo of a man holding a sign that reads, “The Palestinian people know what mean to be shot while unarmed because of your ethnicity #ferguson #justice.”
Bush also included a caption — “No matter who you are, what color skin you have, where you live, we are all in this together! This isn’t a Ferguson problem it’s a Global Problem! We need change NOW! What happened to humanity? #JusticeForMikeBrown.”
Reader Lisa: “Oh, please.” Yup.
Hey, Reggie, shut up and run the ball.
Tags: #Fergusondecision, Ferguson, Ferguson Decision, Israel, Jews, Reggie Bush, Reggie Bush Ferguson, Reggie Bush Israel, Reggie Bush Michael Brown, Reggie Bush Palestinians
mominminnesota on November 25, 2014 at 3:12 pm