December 1, 2014, - 3:54 pm
Liberal Black Detroit Police Chief on Fergustan: “No Black Outcry When Black Cops Kill Blacks”
Yesterday, Black Detroit Police Chief James Craig told CNN that Blacks show no outrage when Black police officers shoot and kill fellow Blacks. He made the comments in connection with the ongoing protests over the grand jury’s non-indictment of former Fergustan police officer Darren Wilson. His comments aren’t news to you or me, but when a Black public figure–especially Detroit’s Police Chief–has the guts to point that out in this era of racial group-think, it’s a good thing.

I’ve written positively about Craig before because he’s not your typical liberal Black big city police chief. He’s frequently urged Detroit’s Black citizens to buy guns and obtain Concealed Pistol Licenses (CPLs) to fight off criminals and deter crime in the city. (And the suggestion has worked, with home invasions going down.) Last week, I watched him give several interviews with the Detroit media covering the protests of “gentle [thugly] giant” Michael Brown supporters in front of Detroit’s federal courthouse. During those interviews, he rightly questioned why there were never any protesters for the many Black-on-Black murders in Detroit.
Here’s what he told CNN’s Eats-Too-Much-Candy Crowley:
In my tenure . . . rarely do you hear outcry if it’s a Black officer that’s involved in a shooting and the suspect is Black. It’s always the reverse.
CNN, of course, chose not to show that part of the video because we can’t have that truth lingering around the Net, can we? Here’s the interview excerpt CNN features on its website instead (if you find video of the complete interview, pls e-mail me with the link):
I’m sure that Craig will come under fire from fellow Blacks for remarking on the lack of Black outcry when Black cops kill Black civilians because it can only mean that there is Black racism involved in the double standard (and we know that there is). I am a White minority in a majority Black city and neighborhood (not the City of Detroit, but a suburb), and I’ve already heard some Black people imply that Craig is “not Black enough” because he is light-skinned, has blue eyes, and is probably biracial in some way (though many American Blacks have some White blood). I’m sure this won’t go over well.
When questioned by the Detroit Newsistan, Craig repeated his statement:
I made the statement (on CNN) because it’s true from a national perspective. . . . I’ve been around the country and I’ve seen that there’s very little outcry when a black officer shoots a black suspect.
Craig is wrong about one thing, though. He tried to mitigate his comments on both CNN and in the Newsistan by saying that in Detroit, there has been no outcry for killings by Black or White cops. That’s simply not true. While there have been no riots or rampages over the killing of Aiyana Stanley-Jones by White Detroit police officer Joseph Weekley, the officer was tried twice (with two hung juries), and cries of racism were bandied about around Detroit since it happened in May 2010. Stanley-Jones was a seven-year-old girl living with her lying grandmother who was shielding Stanley-Jones’ serial criminal/murderer father from an arrest warrant. She grabbed Weekley’s gun and made it go off at the same time flash-bang devices went off. It was clearly an accident, but he may be tried a third time . . . only because he is White. Were he Black, he would never have been tried even once. And Craig knows that.
Still, I’m glad Craig is willing to say on national TV what most Blacks refuse to admit.
I’ve only had one beef with Craig: when he was carjacked in Detroit, Craig let an attempted carjacker go free, even though carjackings have plagued the city. (Craig is not a “certified” police officer in the State of Michigan, and could not make a police arrest of the man. But he could have made a citizen’s arrest and waited until police got there.)
Craig is against gun control and urges citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights. And he’s willing to call out Black racist double standards against White police.
I like this guy.
It is rare to see a Black public official take such a stand. Chief Craig is calling out bad behavior, rather than making excuses for it. The City of Detroit is a case study of radical politics reaching its endgame, namely economic and social devastation.
Worry on December 1, 2014 at 4:06 pm