December 23, 2014, - 8:42 am
This is What Happens When You Have a Baby w/ a Muslim
No tears from me for Lidia Herrera, a former Cuban, who married a Bosnian Muslim. She’s whining that her young boy is now an ISIS terrorist, courtesy of her husband who joined the jihad. You would think a woman who escaped Cuban subjugation and tyranny would decline to choose yet more subjugation and tyranny that is inherent in Islam. But you would be wrong.
Marry a Muslim & This Could Be Your Kid’s Future (& Present) . . .

Lidia Herrera’s ISIS Prodigy Son Attends the Kids Jihad University for the Gifted
The last time Lidia Herrera saw her son was in November last year when she gave him to his father before leaving home in Italy and going to visit relatives in Cuba. But instead of babysitting the boy, her estranged husband Ismar Mesinovic instead took his son to Syria where he signed up to fight for ISIS. And now, a year after the pair went missing, Miss Herrera has seen her son again for the first time as part of an online propaganda campaign for the terror group.
Wearing a black headband inscribed with Arabic writing and with a tiny AK-47 rifle slung around his neck, Miss Herrera says this is her three-year-old son Ismail. . . . While it is not known when exactly the image was taken, this man is unlikely to be the boy’s father as he is believed to have been killed during fighting in September.
I’ve written over and over on this website about what I call “Vagina Firsters”–selfish, stupid women (usually White and usually quite fat and ugly) who are so desperate for a man and sex, they always put their vagina first. Always willingly submit to Muslim men using them for baby machines and easy Green Cards. Don’t know what Ms. Herrrera looks like, but I’ll bet she tips the scales in the zaftig direction. She fits the bill in all other ways. So easy, so brainless.
Hmmm . . . so you marry a Muslim, have his baby, and leave him alone with the kid. What could go wrong? Um, this is exactly what could happen.
Speaking to Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Miss Herrera said: ‘That child is Ismail. I pray every day that he will be brought back to me. ‘I hope that he will come back here beside me. I think only of him, only him.’ Miss Herrera lives in the northern Italian town of Belluno, but originally comes from Cuba, where she still has relatives. She said it was not unusual for her husband to care for the child while she went to visit them, and that he would often take the boy abroad to see his own family in Bosnia and Germany. So when she handed her son over last year, she had no idea Ismail would be taken to Syria. She added: ‘I never had the faintest suspicion my husband was a terrorist. When I knew they had left for Syria it was like everything around me fell apart.
PUH-LEEZE. This woman is bleepin’ delusional. Um, you married a Muslim and you had “no idea” this could happen. And if you married a cobra, you also had no idea it would bite, right?
Um, hello . . . ?
As my former contracts law professor, Stewart MacCauley, used to say, “You pays your money, you takes your chances.” You marry a Muslim, your kid could be kidnapped and taken to ISIS terrorism training summer camp.
Got that, bitches?
Tags: Bosnia, Bosnian Muslims, child Muslim terrorist, child Muslim terrorists, Cuba, ISIS, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorists, Ismar Mesinovic, Jihad, Lidia Herrera, Vagina Firsters
She is obviously as dumb as a stump. Hopefully dad & Jr. Jihad will be blown up. End of family tree.
MuzzCrusher on December 23, 2014 at 9:16 am