January 12, 2015, - 1:47 pm
French Rallies Are a Bunch of Hypocritical BS & Here’s Why
We are the world, we are the children. Blah, blah, blah. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Excuse me for not jumping on the vapid bandwagon of the mindless echo chamber on the right in condemning Barack Obama and company for not joining the silly rally of world leaders declaring unity against some nebulous nothing and solidarity in support of a nebulous something. Yes, I know that Obama, Kerry, Holder et al didn’t show up for the wrong reasons. But so what? That rally was total BS. I can hear Elvis crooning about fools rushing in. More appropriate than these world leaders cheering, would be for Nero to be fiddling.
Les Imbeciles [The Fools] . . .

And shame on Israeli leader Binyamin Netanyahu for joining the halal baloney. He was asked by Les Surrender Monkeys not to show up. Yes! The leader of the Jewish State–the land of fleeing Jewish refugees of the Muslim Judenrein civil war in France–not to show up for a rally after four Jews were murdered and several others were wounded. Netanyahu was going to listen to these Croque Messieurs and Madames and not show up so as not to offend Muslims! He only changed his mind when two Israeli ministers with more balls than he, decided to go. And yet almost every “leader” he was marching with is a “leader” of a country that either regularly condemns Israel or won’t trade with large parts of it and voted or abstained to allow the Palestinian Judenreiners to join the International Criminal Court. That’s with whom he was marching in “defiance” of something.
We were told on yesterday’s newscasts that the march in Paris was the largest since France was liberated from the Nazis, perhaps larger. Um, the Nazis were actually defeated. But what, exactly, were these people in the march liberated from yesterday? What and whom did they defeat? Islam–the legion of new Nazis and far worse–is still there. Islam is not only pervasive in France, but it is yet again victorious as world leaders lull each other and the French into believing something has changed, from before the Kouachi brothers and Messr. Coulibaly murdered at least 18 innocent civilians, to afterward. And nothing has changed. They won’t say Islam is the problem. They, in fact, marched with Islamic leaders, all of whom by definition are extremists if they believe in Islam and its Hadith and other tenets. They, in fact, marched arm in arm with Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a Abu Mazen, the paymaster of the Munich Olympic massacre in which nearly as many were murdered as were by the Kouachis. Abbas who supports Islamic terrorism and is merging his terrorist movement of Fatah with that of HAMAS.
So, given that, what were they marching against? What was Netanyahu marching against when he marched with Islamic leaders and Abu Mazen? What was Abbas marching against, since he supports exactly the same kind of Islamic terrorism that took place in France, albeit with a different brand name and emblem, but still the same generic “Wonder Bread” of Islamic bloody murder?
Yes, I know. People are trying to say that Barack Obama isn’t against terrorism because he didn’t march. Well, we already know he’s not really bothered by Islamic terrorism. But he’s big on exactly the type of “We Are the World” empty calorie displays that occurred on the streets of Paris with the world leaders. Heck, even the “hot” blonde Scandinavian chick leader, with whom he was playing selfie footsie at the Nelson Mandela funeral, was there front and center. Hmmm . . . maybe Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Hussein Obama Idi Amin Dada didn’t want that reunion to happen. And that brings up the claim that Obama didn’t show because of security issues and that he didn’t want to be a spectacle or distract from the event. Well, then, why did he attend the Mandela event . . . after which every story was about the Obama-blonde-Scandinavian-chick selfie?
I think Obama was just lazy. He didn’t feel like going. He wanted to hang out at home on Sunday and not have to haul it to Frogophilialand. He wouldn’t miss being the rock star center of attention for any other reason.
But back to this silly march. Je ne suis pas Charlie. I’m not Charlie. Sorry, Charlie. But I don’t believe that Jews and Christians are morally equivalent to Islam–the religion of terrorism, carnage, blood, death, and destruction. Where were the “Je suis Juif” [I am a Jew] signs? Few and far between if any. Je ne suis pas France. I’m not France. France will soon be FrArabia or Arabance. Or more accurately, FrIslam or Islamance.
And how, exactly, does a country that ordered all Jewish establishments, including synagogues on the Jewish Sabbath, to close, tell us that they are brave or defiant? Are you kidding? Vous etes drole. You’re funny. Would you order mosques and halal butcher shops closed on Friday, if there were EVER an attack on Muslims in France? Heck, no. The French would have assigned thousands of their wimpy police (the same kind who rode to the Charlie Hebdo massacre on bicycle without guns and ran away at the first gun sighting) to protect the Muslims and would have been proud that the mosques remained opened. But Juifs, you go home. Yup, let’s close all the Jewish businesses and establishments like they did on Krystallnacht.
So, when people gush and drone on about how “beautiful” and “inspiring” the rallies all over Paris and the rest of France were, ask them why. Ask them what exactly was being celebrated?
The slow (and now less slow) defeat of the West. That’s what was being celebrated. And Islam and the ghost of Mohammed are having the last laugh.
Tags: #CharlieHebdo, Benjamin Netanyahu, Binyamin Netanyahu, Charlie Hebdo, Charlie Hebdo rally, France, french rallies, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Israel, Jews, Netanyahu, Paris, Paris rally
Of course Debbie is 100% correct, but what also amazes me is that muslims murdered over 3,000 Americans in NYC in 2001 and I don’t remember the French attending marches for us.
DS_ROCKS! on January 12, 2015 at 2:01 pm