January 29, 2015, - 4:07 pm
Don’t Buy Anti-Israel, Pro-Palestinian KIND Snacks: The Food That Funds Jihadist “One Voice”
I WON’T buy KIND brand food and snacks. And if you support Israel and oppose Palestinian Islamic terrorism, then you shouldn’t either. Ditto if you don’t like the United States, under Obama AND Bush, getting involved in Israeli politics. And here’s why: Every Single Time you buy a KIND snack, you are supporting anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, pro-Muslim propaganda and activism.

Over the years, I’ve been meaning to write about why I refuse to buy KIND brand food and snacks. And now is the time. If you’ve been following the controversy over “One Voice,” the anti-Israel, far-left group to which the Obama State Department gave oodles of money (so did Bush’s State), then you need to remember the name, Daniel Lubetzky. A self-hating, far-left, anti-Israel Jew, he is the founder and President of One Voice, as I noted years ago on this site. AND he is the founder and President–and LARGEST individual shareholder of KIND Healthy Snacks. Every time you buy KIND food, you are funding his anti-Israel, far-left efforts, including “One Voice’s” attempts to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and get a left-wing, pro-Palestinian Prime Minister elected in his stead.
I first wrote about One Voice just over a decade ago on this site, when the Bush Administration helped finance One Voice and transformed it from a fringe, unknown pet project of Lubetzky’s into a force in Israeli and Palestinian politics, along with help from FOX News and Bill O’Reilly, both of whom pimped the group endlessly. At the time, President Bush and his lefty, pro-Palestinian Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice a/k/a Condi Clueless, in the original Arab Spring, were pushing for elections in Gaza, just as they pushed for them in Iraq and Lebanon, etc. That was after they pressured Israel to pull out of Gaza and give this historically Jewish land (but for a brief occupation by Egypt) to the Palestinians.
Condi Clueless and Bush insisted on Palestinian elections because they naively claimed that these “moderate,” “peaceful” Muslim were liberal democrats who would elect Bush’s chosen terrorist democrats, Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah Palestinians. To that end, the Bush State Department gave One Voice millions of dollars to create campaign ads pushing Fatah over HAMAS in ads that featured “American Gigolo” actor Richard Gere (hardly a celeb in the Muslim world), as well as an avowed Palestinian terrorism-supporting imam and Greek Orthodox church spokesman (also a terrorism supporter). By the way, the terrorism-supporting imam in the Bush/One Voice ads also praised the destruction of America. Predictably, the silly ads didn’t work, and HAMAS was elected to power in Gaza, where it brutally rules to date. Yes, George W. Bush was the father of “Arab Spring.” And the patron financier of of One Voice.
At the time, actor Jason Alexander, “George Costanza” on “Seinfeld,” was the spokesmodel for “One Voice.” In a softball interview on FOX News’ “O’Reilly Factor,” Bill O’Reilly and Alexander pimped “One Voice,” which was, again, receiving millions from the Bush State Department, as a voice for “change” and “peace” in the Palestinian-Arab conflict. Alexander’s and “One Voice’s” solution: to allow all of the so-called Palestinians anywhere in the world to participate in Israel’s elections via computer vote, which would mean that Israel would instantly cease to exist, via phony computer vote of non-citizens. O’Reilly thought this was a wonderful solution. Now, FOX News pretends it is against “One Voice,” because the funding is coming from the Obama State Department. But when it was under the Bush State Department, it was all smiles, lollipops, and “We Are the World, We Are the Children” BS.

Shortly after his O’Reilly appearance, I called in to “The Howard Stern Show” (then on CBS Radio) when Alexander was there, attempting to pimp his lousy children’s book. Howard Stern gave me mostly free reign, and I chastised Alexander for his involvement in One Voice and Israeli politics. Alexander made sure to point out that the difference between us is that he, Alexander, supports negotiating with terrorists, including HAMAS. I asked “Mr. Palestinefeld” if he would negotiate with Al-Qaeda, too. He didn’t respond. I’ve written a few posts on this site about Jason Alexander’s far-left pimping of Israel in favor of a Palestinian State, while bloviating on behalf of “One Voice.” (Brad Pitt is on the board of the group, too.)
A Mexican Jew who now lives in America, Daniel Lubetzky has become a multi-millionaire (some say a billionaire) via his profits from KIND snacks, which he founded in 2004. He’s parlayed that money into several far-left organizations, most of which are heavily involved in aiding Palestinian extremists and far-left Israelis in upsetting Israel’s stability. Those organizations include PeaceWorks (which creates and finances businesses for anti-Israel Muslims worldwide) and One Voice. Back in 2005, Lubetzky hand-picked the Palestinian terrorism supporters to star along with Richard Gere in “One Voice” Palestinian campaign ads funded by the Bush Administration.

One Voice’s mission statement brags of
our “Wake Up! What Is Your Role Campaign?” to mobilize Palestinians to end the occupation and the conflict through non-violent activism . . . to build momentum for . . . #2StatesNOW.
Vote with your stomach. Stop buying KIND snacks, which fund this crap.
And, now, One Voice is involved in campaign efforts to topple Binyamin Netanyahu. For the record, I often adopted the moniker “Nothingyahu” (coined by reader Jonathan Grant) for the Israeli PM. I don’t believe he’s been nearly as strong against Islamic extremism (a redundant phrase) and Islamic terrorism (another redundancy) as he should or could be. But he’s far better than many of the viable left-wing, Palestinian-coddling alternatives, one of which One Voice wants to replace him.
On Monday, Israeli newspaper Ha’Aretz reported that Jeremy Bird, Obama’s 2012 campaign national field director, is working for One Voice and V15, groups which have partnered in Israel’s 2015 elections to unseat Netanyahu and elect someone far to the left of him. And, while One Voice gets a good deal of money from the Obama State Department, it also gets money (and its leadership and direction) from Daniel Lubetzky, whose money comes from KIND snacks.
I support Israel, and I certainly support the re-election of Netanyahu as opposed to someone to the left of him. I also don’t support the funding and financing of anti-Semitic Muslims’ new businesses around the world. These are things KIND founder and owner Daniel Lubetzky supports and funds with your money every time you buy one of his snacks.
One Voice’s current CEO is Marc Ginsberg, a Middle East advisor to Jimmy Carter and a former Bill Clinton ambassador to the Middle East. This dhimmi-Jew made a ton of money through business with and consulting to the Muslim world. Ginsberg was previously a FOX News contributor, where he endlessly pimped HAMAS terrorist partner CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, as “peaceful” and “moderate” and “my good friends” (and where he also repeatedly and miserably pretended to speak and understand Arabic).
One Voice’s Board includes Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf, the extremist who founded the Ground Zero Mosque, near the site of 9/11 in Manhattan; George Salem, lawyer for the convicted Holy Land Foundation Islamic terrorists who funded HAMAS; Palestinian Authority chief negotiator and Jew-hater Saeb Erekat; and Ziad Asali, chief of the pro-HAMAS American Task Force on Palestine. It also includes Alexander, Pitt, Danny DeVito, Rhea Perlman, Muhammad Ali, Paul McCartney, Natalie Portman, Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, Elliott Gould, Edward Norton, Paul Reiser, Kitty Dukakis, Mehmet Oz, Tony Blair, and assorted other left-wing mindless boob celebs, as well as Muslim extremists, and leftists.
Support Israel? Hate jihad? Then cut KIND out of your diet.
Although KIND recently split from Peaceworks, Lubetzky still supports it. And here’s some of its activities while he was at the helm:
Over its history, PeaceWorks has initiated business ventures among Israeli Jews [DS: of the far-left, Islamo-pandering variety], Palestinian citizens of Israel, Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza, Egyptians and Turks; Indonesians (including a women-owned cooperative with Muslims, Christians and Buddhists working together under the same roof); and Sri Lankans (involving members of the Sinhalese and Tamil communities).
Um, no thanks. No KIND snacks for me. If you’re against jihad, not for you, either.
Tags: Brad Pitt, Daniel Lubetzky, George Costanza, Israel, Jason Alexander, Jews, KIND, KIND bar, KIND foods, KIND Healthy snacks, KIND snacks, Marc Ginsberg, One Voice, PeaceWorks
Thank you for the info re: Kind. I do buy Kind but will no longer. Another one on my boycott list.
lexi on January 29, 2015 at 5:06 pm