April 9, 2015, - 3:50 pm

Reminder: NCAA Winning Duke Coach K Hearts Iran

By Debbie Schlussel


For all of you Duke fans cheering Coach Mike Krzyzewski’s fifth NCAA Basketball Championship earlier this week, here’s a reminder . . . or an education if you weren’t aware:

Coach K Hearts Iran.

As I previously noted on this site, Coach K led Team USA to a politically correct hoops game against Iran in Iran. And he expressed his “respect” and “great feelings” for Iran (hey, just like Obama!), dissing anyone who dared point out the human rights oppression in the Islamic Republic. Ditto for Lamar Odom, the estranged hubby of Khloe Kardashian (the big, fat one), who also sounded like a bad folk song in his gushing over playing in Iran. Oh, and Krzyzewski also made the Team USA cheerleaders cover up.

Do you think Coach K would have the guts to praise Israel that way? Think again.

Coach K is more like Coach D for Dhimmi.

Who gives a crap what he won earlier this week? His mind is bankrupt in the tournament of ideas and ideologies.

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9 Responses

“And he expressed his “respect” and “great feelings” for Iran (hey, just like Obama!), dissing anyone who dared point out the human rights oppression in the Islamic Republic”

What is wrong with these people? What are they afraid of?

Iran hangs gays in public.

DS_ROCKS! on April 9, 2015 at 4:32 pm

I’m not really a college hoops fan so Duke and the “ladies” of UConn winning again doesn’t matter to me. What does matter is this supposedly “smart” coach apparently is in love with a regime that would take the gay students at his school and shoot them. It wouldn’t matter to the mad mullahs that they young college skulls full of mush either. It boggles my mind how US presidents, past and present SecStates and their valley girl assistants and now college coaches suck up like vacuums to Iran. Those robe wearing skunk bags are laughing at how stupid people in power in this country are. Coach K is just another clueless idiot who doesn’t get or doesn’t care. Is it any wonder that he’s on a college campus.

Ken B on April 9, 2015 at 7:01 pm

I remember you calling out Mike Krzyzewski on his cultural-relativism BS about Iran a few years ago.

I myself follow NCAA Sports (Football, Basketball and Baseball); but I don’t think the pundie will report what you and the other source that you’ve sourced in the article to call out Coach K on his idiotic relativism, and supports a nation that has vehement antithesis to equality, liberty, liberalism and republicanism, that’s totally fascistic.

Sean R. on April 9, 2015 at 7:29 pm

He is a real prize.

Worry on April 9, 2015 at 7:50 pm

He is Polish, is there a anti-jewish connection or an Iran connection or was he just being diplomatic?

Calling out Lamar Odom? Come on, like he cares about Iran? Trust me he doesn’t. Again giving these people too much credit. Trust me again, they aren’t that sophisticated.

Wrong on April 10, 2015 at 1:13 am

Lamar Odom a Brooklyn basketball standout. Played basketball all his life. School wasn’t his forte. Sports was. He then ruins his basketball career because he was traded and started smoking crack. Career over.

Debbie, he’s just not that sophisticated.

Wrong on April 10, 2015 at 1:20 am

Another reason for me to hate Duke. The only time I rooted for them was during the Duke Lacrosse Team’s alleged rape case. Otherwise, the whole university are snooty libtards, as opposed to libtards. I would root for Satan’s team against Duke.

unholyone on April 10, 2015 at 9:24 am

All of that propaganda pushed at colleges and universities has gotten to him, as well. Hard to believe he’d be so ignorant.

Jefft on April 10, 2015 at 2:25 pm

I don’t support TCU sports much, either. As a matter of fact, the number of colleges I want to send my kids to is dwindling to a very samll number.

I also don’t really care about sports teams, either.

Occam's Tool on April 10, 2015 at 5:07 pm

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