July 10, 2015, - 5:34 pm
Omar Sharif of Angerabia: Arrogant Muslim Convert/Gambling Addict, Banned for Kissing Jew; Raised $ for HAMAS/Hezbo Grp
*** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATE – Sharif Raised Money for HAMAS/Hezbo Group & Supported Muslim Illegal Alien Invasion of the West ***

As you probably know, actor Omar Sharif died today at the age of 83. I’ve written about Mr. Sharif on this site before, and there is no reason to whitewash him just because he’s dead and not about to meet the non-existent allah. Yes, he was a great actor. But as a person, not so much. He was an arrogant convert to Islam and gambling addict, who was banned in the Islamic world for kissing a Jew in one of his movies.
Sharif was born Michel Demitri Chalhoub, a Greek Catholic Christian. But he converted to and embraced Islam to marry Egyptian Muslim actress Faten Hamama. But Islam didn’t embrace him, as he–crime of all crimes!–kissed a Jewish chick, Barbra Streisand in the movie, “Funny Girl.” He also had an affair with Streisand during filming. (I personally take offense at anyone who kissed La Nose, but not because she’s Jewish. Actually, she’s a Va-JINO (my name for female Jews In Name Only like her).) And Sharif became a gambling addict. Gambling is haram (forbidden) in Islam. He said he did many of the movies in which he acted, so that he could pay off gambling debts.
But Sharif acquired a taste for Islamic-style violence, so it’s fitting that he played Sherif Ali in “Lawrence of Arabia,” in which the British T. E. Lawrence encouraged pan-Arabism and put into play the modern Middle East chaos. In 2007, as I noted on this site, Sharif was arrested for and convicted of beating a Beverly Hills parking lot attendant because the attendant didn’t accept Euros as payment. He broke the guy’s nose. And some chump of a judge sentenced Sharif to take an anger management course . . . AND allowed him to take the course in Egypt. Um, isn’t Egypt one of those countries where they teach anger chaos-ment? As I noted then, anger management in Egypt is when you shoot just two Jews instead of ten. Or when you only honor kill your daughter . . . not also your wife.
Mr. Sharif might have been good as Nicky Arnstein in “Funny Girl” and Yuri in “Dr. Zhivago.” But he spent the pathetic last decades of his career promoting Islam and jihad in third rate cinematic hate and living out that hate in real life, beating up the infidel parking lot help. Oh, and writing a syndicated bridge column doesn’t make you civilized.
So, I, for one, will not be mourning this al-schmuck.
Omar Sharif of Angerabia, buh-bye. Your mind was already dead for decades.
Oh, and by the way, in the ultimate justice, Sharif’s grandson, Omar Sharif, Jr. (don’t ask me how his grandson is Jr. and not III) declared, “I’m gay and I’m Jewish.”
*** UPDATE: The openly pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah, anti-Israel group, the Muslim-dominated American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) just put out a press release lamenting Sharif’s death and noting he raised money for the group. ADC praised Sharif for championing the Muslim immigration/alien invasion of the West and for receiving its lifetime achievement award during a ceremony at which Hany Abu-Assad, director of pro-homicide bomber movie, “Paradise Now,” and Osama Siblani, Hezbollah agent and publisher of the anti-Semitic Arab-American News, also received ADC awards. John Conyers was the keynote speaker at the event.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) offers its condolences to the family and friends of legendary Arab actor Omar Sharif . . . . ADC remembers Omar Sharif as a groundbreaking Arab actor and recipient of the ADC Lifetime Achievement Award.
ADC presented Sharif with the ADC Lifetime Achievement Award at the annual ADC National Convention in 2006. For two successive evenings, Sharif charmed the audience . . . and spoke about his experiences as an actor in Hollywood and as a prominent Arab in international circles. He championed ADC’s work and encouraged a chapter to protect the civil rights of millions of North African immigrants in France, where he resided prior to his death.
Their guy ain’t ours. Got it?
Tags: ADC, Barbra Streisand, Egypt, Faten Hamama, Funny Girl, Michel Demitri Chalhoub, Nicky Arnstein, Omar Sharif, Omar Sharif ADC, Omar Sharif dead, Omar Sharif Faten Hamama, Omar Sharif Hezbollah, Omar Sharif Jews, Omar Sharif Muslim, Omar Sharif Muslim convert
All the nice things being said about Omar Sharif makes me… wanna vomit.
Darrellhicks on July 10, 2015 at 8:10 pm