September 11, 2015, - 5:44 pm
Suzy Favor Hamilton: Former Olympian I Knew Uses Bipolarity as BS Excuse for Being Hooker, Slut

In 2012, I told you about Suzy Favor Hamilton, a former track star and Olympian and an eternal attention whore narcissist. Now, exactly as I predicted then, she has a book out and is attention-whoring all over again on every talk show who’ll have her. Hamilton, who was married with a daughter at the time (and still is because her husband is a ball-less wimp) was working as a “high class” call girl in Las Vegas, even while she was earning a mint in endorsements, appearances, and speaking engagements after her athletic career ended. She excusing her kinky threesomes and prostitution, claiming she is bipolar. Nice excuse. Even Tiger Woods didn’t come up with something that weak. But those who know Suzy Favor Hamilton–and I know a bunch of ’em–say she’s just always been an attention whore and a literal whore.
And the fame-whoring begins again, this week. A year ago, I heard from close members of Suzy Favor Hamilton’s family. They contacted me and told me my prediction about her writing a book was coming true. They didn’t seem too pleased about it, nor did they seem to be too proud of this woman. Most people–if they were outed as prostitutes–would be embarrassed and want it to go away. They would be happy when the negative publicity subsided and they would just go away, as she should. But not Suzy Favor Hamilton. She’s always been a “me me me me” person, as evidence by the fact that she abandoned her husband and young daughter to fly to Vegas to sleep with men for money. And she doesn’t want to let that attention end. That’s why–like every single Kardashian and Kardashian wannabe–she’s decided to keep milking her sex scandal with a book, “Fast Girl,” and multiple interviews and TV appearances.
Tonight, Hamilton is on ABC News’ “20/20’s” season premiere for a full hour, and it’s being heavily hyped. She’ll be on the season premiere of “Dr. Phil,” next week (and, predictably, Dr. Phil is very understanding of this crap). And she’s also whining in this week’s People magazine. I mean, why should she care that she’s discussing, “I was a high priced hooker” and that her seven-year-old daughter knows about it> She dismissed it in People as no big deal. Yup, no big deal, when mommy wants to remain famous.
And, then, there’s her whipped, penis-lacking hubby, Mark Hamilton, who allowed his wife to fly out to Vegas and have sex with other men for money. Where are his testicles? You wonder what he told his young daughter about where mommy was.
Suzy Favor Hamilton is trying to pawn off her lowlife, sleazebag life as a hooker on being bipolar. She claims that a medication she took after deliberately falling and losing in the Olympics, caused her to be “hypersexual.” Nah, I don’t think that’s what happened. Because that doesn’t explain why, before she was on the drug, she was a complete slut at the University of Wisconsin. As I noted on this site before, I met the then-Suzy-Favor (before she married her husband) on several occasions when I was in grad school at the University of Wisconsin. She was then training for the Olympics, and hung out with a lot of the athletes whom I tutored in the Wisconsin Athletic Department. They all told me what a slut she was then. They still tell me what a slut she was then. They told me she did some pretty “nasty” things and got around. Again, this was before she claims that she began taking a medication later in life which turned her into a hooker. (She’s also now claiming that the only man she slept with before becoming a hooker was her husband. Baloney.)
I don’t believe her story that she became a prostitute because she was bipolar and “hypersexual” after taking a new medication. And even if that were true, then why did she insist on being paid for sex. Did the medication say, “Hi, I am your pimp–you must get paid $600 per hour for being a slut!”? Doubtful.
I think we all know what’s going on here. Suzy Favor Hamilton was a big star in high school, college, and Olympic track. And she was pretty. She was used to being showered with attention. And when she lost every Olympic track competition she entered (in three Olympic Games) and got older, her career–and the attention that went along with it–disappeared. But she’s a narcissist who craved attention and still does. And she couldn’t handle not being in the spotlight and the center of attention. Being a hooker gave her some of that. And now that she’s been outed and the hooking is over, she’s written a fraudulent book full of excuses and no responsibility taken for her actions. It’s all, “the illness and the medication made me do it.” That’s the Suzy Favor Hamilton those who went to the University of Wisconsin know.
And she’ll be rewarded for it with endless TV appearances and some book sales. If you buy this idiotic book, you’re a moron. But as the success of the Kardashians shows, there is no shortage of morons in America, so she’s certain to make big buck on this. Cha-ching! Suzy Favor Hamilton’s only regret is that she didn’t make a sex tape with rapper Ray-J. Kim Kardashian beat her to the punch.
And her castrated, zero-pride husband, Mark Hamilton, is a sick co-dependent, appearing with Hamilton all over the place on her, “The Drugs Forced Me to Be a Hooker” World Tour. He posed with his whore wife in People. He appears with her on Dr. Phil, talking about how he was in on this and allowed it to go on in their marriage. And in the world’s greatest example of fame-whore child abuse, the Hamiltons posed with their 7-year-old daughter for the People hooker article, which explicitly details many of Suzy Favor Hamilton’s sexual exploits. What kind of parents do that to their kid? They should be locked up.
“We told Kylie in a way a 7 year old could handle. She knows I didn’t mean to hurt anyone,” Suzy told People. Um, how do you tell your seven-year-old kid mommy is a hooker in a “way [she] could handle”? What kind of a mother whores out her seven-year-old daughter to a tabloid magazine in her ceaseless fame-seeking quest? A very selfish one. An egg and womb donor. And that’s all this slut, Suzy Favor Hamilton is. Sadly for her daughter, Suzy married a penis-less enabler who couldn’t and wouldn’t stand up to her and take her daughter away, as most real men would have done.
Neither bipolar disorder nor any medication forced Suzy to become an expensive hooker in Vegas. She did that all on her own.
And now, true to current form, America is rewarding her for it.
BTW, when Suzy was outed for being a hooker, the Big Ten revoked her award as “Female Athlete of the Year.” But since sex tapes (Kardashians), prostitution, and nude lesbian photos (Vanessa Williams is being welcomed back to Miss America, with a full apology, Sunday Night) are now “in,” I predict that Suzy Favor Hamilton will soon have the Big Ten apologizing to her and restoring her award, too. After all, the drugs and the “illness” made her do it.
It’s not cool to have any shame for anything anymore in America. And if you insist on that, you are “slut-shaming” people, and you should be embarrassed about it. The slut should be proud.
And why not?
After all, not only was she paid six hundred bucks an hour for it, now she has a book, and she’s in People!
Reader Alfredo From Puerto Rico:
‘Hi, I’m Suzy, since girls jus’ wanna have fun, join me in making bipolar disorder in to an excuse to further women’s empowerment issues.’
Wanna have sex with anyone you want? Wanna rob banks, commit acts of terrorism, live life as you please? Join the growing ranks of The Bipolar, LOL!!!
Tags: bipolar disorder, bipolar disorder hypersexual, famous prostitutes, famous sluts, famous whores, Fast Girl, hookers, Kylie Hamilton, Mark Hamilton, Olympians, Olympic prostitute, prostitutes, Suzy Favor Hamilton, Suzy Favor Hamilton daughter, Suzy Favor Hamilton Fast Girl, Suzy Favor Hamilton husband, Suzy Favor Hamilton prostitute, Suzy Favor Hamilton whore, University of Wisconsin
… that she became a prostitute because she was bipolar and “hypersexual” after taking a new medication.
What did they prescribe for her – Spanish fly?
DS_ROCKS! on September 11, 2015 at 10:58 pm